We Were Born This Way: How Is This Possible!?

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Tiffany's POV

I watch as Dark walks into the hallway spotting Anti and Heidi, should I step in? I would get a beating if I do and I really don't have the guts to stand infront of both of them especially when they will hurt me even more. I watch as their voices echo the vent until they all walk away. "Come come" "No no you don't understa-". I feel confused yet disturbed of where they're taking Heidi. I knew I should've stepped in but no. Once again the curse of foolish choices have struck me! I sigh disappointingly as I turn around crawling back into the dark room pulling my legs close to my chest holding them for warmth, Heidi's jumper sleeves wrapped around my wrists are now soaked with blood and now, tears. I dig my head into my knees as tears fall to the ground, I wipe them away but they keep flowing down my face with no end. It's like a water fall, starting off as water vapor from the rain which starts making it's way through the earth creating the mouth of the river which goes on a journey to the ocean. My tears are a river right now draining in my own ocean of emotions. my eyes are heavy, tired I doze off against the wall.

Where am I? What is this place? I question to myself looking around this huge castle which is quite familiar to my mind. I look around to see what looks like my body lying motionless on the ground with a tag next to my right foot, I pick it up reading;

Name: Tiffany Wilson

Age: 18

Death: Tortured by Dark and Anti, killed by one final stab to the chest

I remember this, the castle where Tiff took over my body and everything started to go wrong, wait I was killed!? Stabbed in the chest? I question looking around before I lift up my shirt to reveal a stab scar on my chest. How did I come back to life? Oh wait... I was the writer of that story so obviously I wouldn't actually die. Wait characters can't actually die they just disappear becoming a spirit haunting whoever killed it. Wilford! No wonder Anti and Dark are being so mean to me, I knew already but didn't fully understand. Dark and Anti's friend, Dark's brother, I killed him because he killed Heidi but I brought Heidi back to life they're angry at me because of this stupid curse and the only way to save Wilford is if...

I wake up with no warning at all...

Suddenly, my vision turns blurry teleporting to a dark hotel room it gives back so many bad memories as I see Heidi lifeless on the ground covered in her own blood. I look around but I see a glimpse of Wilford appearing around me, he walks over to me, it's as if he was see-through but his touch. His touch is still there. His brown eyes staring at me, they look peaceful and happy to see me. If you just looked at him now he would look like the Wilford Warfstache I love... Wait! No I wouldn't. I stare at him but then turn to face the ground upset to even look at him anymore especially when I could of saved him. I then feel his warm thumb and index finger on my chin as I look back up at him, it's a moment of silence until I break stuttering while my voice cracks in so many different ways.

"I'm sorry..." Wilford shushes me placing his index finger to my lips

I stand, backed against the wall both just staring at eachother until we do the unexpected. We kissed. His warm luscious lips against mine, our eyes are both closed. My hand clinging onto his shoulder for support as his hands are holding my waist. I felt happy, why do I feel happy? It felt good. Where is this coming from? Is it real because it certainly feels real! Don't want this to end...WHY!? We both pull apart catching our breath back until I'm teleported back to the dark room Heidi and I were in catching another glimpse of Wilford until he disappears, like a spirit. 

That wasn't a dream.

Dark's POV

I push Heidi down the corridor, I then pull her behind the wall and start talking as Anti walks off whistling. Whistling in such a manner that I really do not want to talk about it especially when I feel sweat gathering on my head. 

"What were you doing out of the room?" I say slightly angrily 

"It was claustrophobic in there..." Heidi says rubbing her arms for heat.

"There's plenty of space in there how was it claustrophobic?" I question with anger in my tone.

"Well being in the dark with hardly any light source or warmth, food or supplies especially being women we do need to get out of a small room to survive!" Heidi says raising her voice a little. I sigh in defeat but she does have a point.

"Okay okay you and Tiffany can have that room there, it has two beds, a bathroom and a mini kitchen." I say a little generous 

"Thank you." Heidi smiles as I hand her the little key for the room, I walk over to the dark room Tiffany is in to find her dazed and confused, I stare at her until she notices me standing by the door.

"What do you want?" Tiffany grits her teeth as I roll my eyes motioning my hands for her to follow me, she crosses her arms as her right eyebrow lifts pointing to her head but gives in after walking out to me. 

"I'm letting you and Heidi share a room, a better one so you're not 'claustrophobic'." I say placing air quotes as I say so. Tiffany cracks a small smile as she walks over to the room where Heidi is opening it. 

I walk down the hallway catching a glimpse of pink speckles fly across. 


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