We Were Born This Way: Dead Demon's Brother

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Heidi's POV

I wake up on a dirty floor with handcuffs around my wrists, I hold my head up looking at the sight of plain darkness. Where is my pen? I sit up looking around the room for my pen, before it was sitting on my ear but now it's gone. I look up noticing a pink moustache on the wall, that wasn't there before. It's not just a pink moustache though it's a warfstache and I definitely know where that's came from. Wilford is back, greaaaaaat like I missed him at all. Wait I thought he got killed by The Writer? Oh for god's sake whoever has my pen I'm going to...

"Your going to do what, darlin'? I turn around to see a dark silhouette standing by a doorway staring right at me

"H-hello?" I say angrily moving away from him

"Did you miss me?" the silhouette smirks evilly only sending chills down my spine.

"What do you mean? I feel freaked out about this whole situation

"That you should NEVER mess with a character especially when they're a demon! I know that you pesky writers killed my brother!"

"Brother?" I say confused

"Yes, I was out with Anti talking about how you and your stupid friend Molly had got away because of Tiffany's foolish choices, her choices only made it worse as she killed Wilford and almost yourself and here you are back!" The deep raspy voiced figure explains.

"No..." I say before he cuts me off

"Enough!" The figure shouts walking out of the room angrily

Tiffany's POV

I'm sitting in an odd room only to see Wilford's stupid face right infront of me like he's been watching me, I try to lift my hands but they're attached to chains which are connected to the wall. Wilford's smile only gets worse as I see it more often.

"Hello darlin." Wilford smirks standing up straight

"What are you doing Wilford?" I say a little sternly trying to break free

"Well I missed you." Wilford's voice lowers down staring straight into my eyes

"I didn't miss you..." I mumble

"Well yeah you wouldn't but I miss you, I've been thinking about you non-stop and especially that moment when you we kissed." Wilford says as I roll my eyes

"Wilford, you made me do that." I say a little frustrated.

"Actually I only did when you kissed me the rest was you!" Wilford smiles, my eyes widen in shock but snap out of whatever I'm thinking to get out of these damn shackles. I suddenly hear lots of different voices and words crowding my ears, I jolt up in shock and terror as I find myself in a different room but this time I'm awake.

I wake up from something so horrid to call a nightmare, it seemed all too real but Wilford is dead! I look around at the room I'm into see notice it's pitch black with cold windy drafts escaping from somewhere freezing my skin. I see a human sized door on the left side of me and from outside of it I hear loud footsteps, the door opens wide and there I see a silhouette of a figure which almost looks the same as Wilford but instead of pink eyes it has red. Chills roll down my spine as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up from the cold draft, I start shaking in fear as the silhouette makes his way over to where I stand.

"Tiffany?" A raspy voice says not as close as Wilford's voice but very familiar.

"Y-yes?" I say a little nervous and shaky.

"Do you recognise me?" The shadowy figure replies as his eyes glow up red next to mine as mine glows up pink.


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