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I SPRINTED OVER to my house with the polaroid picture in my hand

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I SPRINTED OVER to my house with the polaroid picture in my hand. Just wait until Soda sees this.

I walked into my house and groaned. I forgot he was at the DX. I ran back towards the DX and when I entered, I found him and Steve sitting on the counter eating lunch.

"What are you doing here, Pony?" Soda asked, his mouth full.

I gave him a little grin and looked down at the picture. "Just need to clear some things up."

Soda furrowed his eyebrows. "What in the world are you talking about?"

Steve started laughing. "I know exactly what he's talking about. Go ahead, Pony."

I walked towards Soda and sighed. "You know, I've always wanted a sister. A sister is supposed to be related to you, ya know? Unless their adopted, but that's not what I'm talking about right here. They have to have at least some, ugh, I don't know resemblance to you. Oh and the biggest one out of all of them, you're not supposed to have chemistry with your sister. That's incest." I slammed the picture on the counter and crossed my arms. "Now I may be blind, but you two don't look alike. And I may be mistaken, but there's definitely chemistry here."


Soda picked up the picture and stared at it for what seemed like five minutes and he sighed. "How is she? Do you know where she is? I've been trying to find her all day."

"She's been with Johnny and me all day. Her and Johnny went to go check up on Mike. That's not the point though, Soda. You hurt her. Even if you didn't mean to, you did. And if you didn't think she'd find out that you didn't tell her about your feelings for Sandy, then you're nuts." I gave him a cold stare and Soda put the picture in his wallet.

"She didn't want me to tell you this, but I have to. She was crying today, Soda." Steve spoke as he threw away the last bit of chocolate cake.

"She was crying? Because of me?" Soda looked like someone just shot him. "I need to go find her. Steve, could you please stay here while I go find her?"

Steve nodded. "I was planning on doing that anyway."

[I love Steve]



JOHNNY AND ME walked up the front steps of Mike's porch and was greeted by his bulldog, Bent

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JOHNNY AND ME walked up the front steps of Mike's porch and was greeted by his bulldog, Bent.

We call him Bent because he literally bends everything he gets ahold of. We petted him for a few minutes and we slowly walked inside.

I've been at Mike's plenty of times, so I usually just walk right in. Mike's like a second dad to me.

"Hey, Mike! It's Skye!" I announced while looking around his living room.

Hmm, that's odd it's completely clean in here. It never is.

"In here, Munchkin!" He shouted from his bedroom.

Johnny and I walked in and I gasped. Mike was really sick. He was extremely pale. I ran over to his bedside. "W-what's wrong with you?" I stuttered, breathing heavily.

"My cancer is getting worse, Skye." He replied weakly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You need to be at a hospital! Not in your own bedroom! I'm taking you to the hospital my parents worked at. Now."

He chuckled. "Actually, the doctors sent me here. They said they couldn't do anything anymore and they gave me the option of either dying in the hospital or dying in my home. I'd rather die in a place that I'm familiar with, Skye."

I frowned and gazed down at the ground. "What's going to happen to the Dingo and Jay's?"

He smiled. "I knew you'd ask about that. I'm keeping it. Ashley is going to be the new owner."

I gave him a sad smile. "Oh, quit your pouting and come give me a hug." He laughed.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. I didn't let go because I didn't want to, but he made Johnny pry me off of him.

"Now, Skylar look here. I want you to come here and visit me tomorrow."

I nodded. "I was going to anyway."

He grinned. "I know. I just wanted to tell you."

Before I could say anything else, the door opened and Soda and Pony entered. Soda saw the frown on my face and looked over at Mike. "W-what's wrong?"

"I'm dying soon, bud. Little Ms. Stubborn over here doesn't want to let me go though." He chuckled and gestured over to me sitting on the side of his bed with my arms crossed like a little kid.

Soda gave a small smile and went over to give Mike a hug. "Now, Skye can I talk to Soda for a minute?" Mike questioned, patting me on the back.

I stood up and walked out the door along with Johnny and Ponyboy. Pony gave me a hug, "I'm sorry, Abs. I know you were really close to him."

"Are. I know you are close to him, not were. He's not dead right now." I snapped and laid on his couch.

Johnny came over and put his hand in mine to comfort me. "I wonder what him and Soda are talking about right now."

"I don't know and I honestly don't care." I slammed my face into the pillow.

"Get ready for Soda to try and talk to you." Pony warned.

I groaned loudly which caused Johnny and Ponyboy to chuckle. A few minutes later, Soda walked out. I stood up and ran back into Mike's room and held his hand. "See you tomorrow."

He smiled. "Hopefully."


WE WALKED TOWARDS the DX in complete silence. An awkward silence too. Soda cleared his throat. "Blue, I'm sorry about Mike."

I scoffed. "Yeah, me too."

I walked inside the DX and slammed the front door which caused Steve to jump. "Dang, Skylar. You about scared the chocolate cake right out of me."

"Steve, Mike's dying." I laid my head on the counter and closed my eyes. He ran his fingers through my hair which caused me to about doze off.

"Well I don't need to go to sleep in the DX, Steve." I sat up and chuckled.


WE WERE ALL sitting in the living room watching Mickey Mouse because Two-Bit wouldn't quit whining. "I swear, Two-Bit. Have you ever heard of getting a job?" Darry questioned.

Two-Bit shrugged. "I don't need one."

I chuckled. "If you don't need one, then I guess we all don't need one."

Soda rushed through the door looking like someone stabbed him right in the chest. "What's wrong with you?" Darry asked.

"Sandy told me that she only ever thought of me as a brother and that she's had feelings for the Soc guy for a long time." Soda sat on the couch and covered his face with his hands.

Everyone looked at me and I smirked. "Hurts doesn't it? Getting labeled as a sibling and then finding out that they've kept a secret from you." He still sat there and he didn't move. "Karma's a you know what." I yelled and walked out.


I love when she makes dramatic exits

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