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3 weeks later

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3 weeks later....

"I LOVE YOU so much."

"I love you more."

"That's not possible."

I turned to face him. "Really?"

"I love you so much your parents would be jealous."

I busted out into laughter. "That didn't even make sense."

He shrugged. "It made sense to me."

Soda and I were laying down in the field looking up at all of the stars. I was leaving for college tomorrow, and honestly? I'm not ready to leave.

"We should make this night memorable instead of laying here." I chuckled while turning over on my side to face him.

"I think this is pretty memorable. Don't you? I mean, I'm laying in the middle of a field, underneath the stars with my soulmate. I think that's pretty memorable." He spoke while swiftly brushing his lips against mine.

I grinned. "You're right. I'll never forget this night, or this summer. I don't want to leave."

Soda frowned and sighed. "I don't want you to leave either, but you are going to go somewhere in life, Blue. I just know you are and I'll be waiting right here for you when you come back."

I smiled. "Promise?"

"I promise."

I pointed my finger at him and scolded, "I swear if you even look at Sandy while I'm gone, I'll leave college just so I can kill you and her."

He started laughing and gently touched my face, sliding his finger across my cheek sending chills down my back. "You're so beautiful." He whispered, causing me to blush. I'm just glad it was nighttime, so he couldn't see how red my face was.

"We've been together for four weeks now and we've spent every day together. Tomorrow that's all going to change." My voice cracked and I knew I was about to bust out crying.

Soda pulled me into his chest and rubbed his fingers through my hair, trying to calm me down. The more I thought of college, the more I thought of being away from Soda's touch, late nights watching the sunsets with Ponyboy, making fun of Steve when he makes a mistake on a car, late nights talking with Sarah, always coming to Darry for advice and him giving me chocolate cake and bacon, watching Mickey Mouse every Sunday with Two-Bit and actually 'letting loose' because of him, always opening up to Johnny because he is the one who understands me, Dally teasing me constantly and him saying he loved me for the first time in a long time, it all hit me. It hit me hard and I cried so hard into his chest. I've never cried this hard in my life, it hurt to breathe.

Soda started crying too and we both just laid there in each others arms, wishing we could never let go of each other

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Soda started crying too and we both just laid there in each others arms, wishing we could never let go of each other.


SARAH RAN UP and pulled me into a huge hug. "Do I have to let you go? We've been through everything."

"I wish it was just eighth grade graduation again." I replied, not wanting to let go of our hug.

I looked over at Pony and ran into his arms. "You promise me you'll look at the sunset every night and I'll look at the sunset while at college. That way, it will seem as if we are closer." I whispered as I hugged him and he nodded. I think he knew that if he spoke, he'd bust out into tears.

Johnny was crying and I embraced him into a hug. "Hey, look at me." I whispered, as tears fell down my face. "You promise me right now that you won't keep your feelings in. It killed me, and I don't want it to kill you either. I love you, Johnny."

"I love you, S." He choked out.

Darry pulled me into his bear hug and I gave him a smile. "If only there was a way for you to send chocolate cake and bacon through the mail." He laughed and put his hands on my shoulders. "You better not get yourself into trouble, alright? I'm proud of you, Little Winston."

Two-Bit was crying and I frowned and reached my arms out. He crashed into me and spoke through tears. "I'll make sure to catch you up on every Mickey Mouse episode."

Steve and I did our famous handshake and he picked me up and twirled me around, causing me to laugh. "Promise me you'll take care of Sarah while I'm gone." I spoke. He smiled and nodded, "I promise."

Dally. I ran into his arms and he held me tight. He was crying and cursed under his breath. "You're making me go soft, Skye. Quit growing up." I smiled as tears fell down my face onto his leather jacket. "Please don't get into any trouble while I'm gone." He grinned, "I'll try."

The last one. Oh, Soda. My crush ever since I knew what love meant. The person who always called me Blue. The one who believed in me. I ran and jumped into his arms. He wrapped both of his arms around my waist and we kissed. It was the longest and most passionate kiss we've shared yet. We let go and he moved my hair out of my face and wiped my tears off with his finger. "I'll never forget you." I smiled, "I'll never forget you either."

I waved goodbye to everyone and ran to the airplane, tears wouldn't stop falling down my face. I thought back to last night with Soda and smiled. That was the best night of my life. He was right, it was pretty memorable.

After all, it's been a tough ride.

A tough life.

And a tough love.


CLAPS ERUPTED THROUGHOUT the college auditorium as I finished my valedictorian speech and I grinned, looking down at all of the gang in the crowd. I graduated college. I did it.

I ran off of the stage and into Soda's arms, kissing him and oh, it felt so good. All of the gang cheered and threw me into the air, causing me to giggle and raise my diploma in the air.

They put me down and Soda got in front of me. He got down on one knee and I gasped, tears already falling down my face. "Blue, would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"YES!" I screamed and everyone started clapping. I jumped into his arms and he ran, carrying me out the door.

It looks like all tough loves come to an end, and my oh my, they all turn into something beautiful.



epilogue next chapter.

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