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I WOKE UP in Soda's bed, my head laying on his chest and his arm wrapped around me

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I WOKE UP in Soda's bed, my head laying on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. I carefully slid out from under his grip and tip toed in the kitchen. I winced at the bright light in the kitchen because it made my head hurt more than ever. I had to have a bandage wrapped around my head because of the big gash of when they knocked me out with a glass bottle.

Darry turned the kitchen light off and I thanked him. I sat at the table in front of him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I took the day off, so I could keep an eye on you. I know you're going to try and go outside today." Darry spoke to me in a fatherly way which made me grin.

"Usually, I would protest and be the stubborn Winston I am, but since you care about me like my dad would I'm going to stay here today." I stood up and grabbed a piece of chocolate cake and bacon. Darry knows me too well.

"Dally was worried sick about you while you were missing. We all thought he was going to cry." Darry announced and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Can you call him and tell him to come over?" I questioned and Darry nodded going over to dial our house phone.




"You think I don't know you've been hanging with that guy every night!?" My dad's voice boomed throughout our large house.

"Oh, shut up, Derek! You know I would never cheat on you!" My mom screamed back, raising her voice.

I locked myself in my bedroom, crying. A seven year old shouldn't have to go through this at her own home. There was a knock on my door and I opened it. Dally came in and gave me a hug. He shut the door and sat down on the floor beside me. "It'll be okay, sis. I promise. All parents fight."

I laid my head on his shoulder and instantly started to doze off. I felt him carry me to my bed and tuck me in. "I love you." He whispered and walked out my door, closing it quietly.


THAT WAS THE last time he said I love you to me. He hasn't said it since. Of course, that was when Dally was not cold-hearted and he actually had hope, along with me. Still, it hurt to know the last time he told me he loved me was in 1976. I was seven and he was only nine. Ten years later and he hasn't said it.

Dally came busting through the door and once he saw me he pulled me into a hug. I groaned. "Careful. I'm still sore."

He put me down and I realized he had tears in his eyes.

The Dallas Winston was crying.

"I thought I was going to lose you just like we lost Mom and Dad." He cried into my chest and I started crying too. All of the guys were now watching us in amazement. They've never seen Dally cry before.

"Dally, this really means a lot to me, thank you." I sobbed and he looked up at me.

"I know I don't say this a lot, but I love you, sis." He wiped his tears away and I just started crying even more.

"I love you too, Dally!"

All the guys started clapping and Two-Bit was even crying. I walked over to Soda and he wiped the tears off of my face and smiled. I embraced him into a hug and whispered, "I still love you, Soda."

He pulled away and his eyes got huge. "Really? I promise, Blue, you won't see me around Sandy ever again."

I scoffed. "I know you won't. I probably broke every bone in her body after slamming her into a table like that."

Everyone started laughing and we all hung out. I gasped and everyone stared at me with concerned faces. "I HAVE TO GO GET BENT!"

I ran to my house, not even caring that I wasn't supposed to be outside. It's my dog! I haven't seen him in a day!

When I entered the house, Bent came crashing through the living room and ran up into my arms. I petted him and carried him all the way back to the Curtis's. When I got inside and let Bent out of my arms, he ran around the house causing everyone to laugh. Everyone started petting him and he loved the attention. Bent's favorite out of all the guys was Soda. I don't know why, but Soda has that affect on not only girls, but dogs.

He ran into Soda's arms and he petted him and walked over beside me. I leaned down and Bent gave me a kiss. "Aww, look they are already starting a family!" Pony shouted which caused me to flip him off.

"Looks like Operation J is complete!" Steve raised his hands in the air victoriously and Johnny and Ponyboy did the same while I said, "Woo-hoo!"

"Operation what?" Soda questioned, looking as confused as ever.

"It's nothing." I grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek. As soon as I realized what I did, I slapped my hand over my mouth. Soda smirked and removed my hand. "That's not how you're supposed to do it."

He brushed his lips against mine and I missed the feeling of his touch. It was like fireworks exploding left and right. When we pulled apart, all of the guys started shouting and cheering, making us laugh. Soda looked at me and held me close. "I promise I'm not letting you go again."

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