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"First they'll make your heart skip beats and then they'll make your insides ache until you forget the difference between love and hate."


SODA RUSHED ME inside and took me into the bathroom

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SODA RUSHED ME inside and took me into the bathroom. "How hard did you hit that wall?!" Soda questioned, starstruck.

"I actually have no idea. I didn't feel it at all to be completely honest with you." I laughed and took a glance at my screwed up hand.

It was completely swollen and I had a few gashes from where my hand hit the picture frame that was hanging up right above from where I hit my hand.

After Soda finished cleaning me up, he wrapped a bandage around my hand. I looked up and smiled. "Thanks, Soda."

He kissed me on the forehead and as he walked out the door he whispered, "No problem."

I sat on the sink, appalled. He kissed me. Even if it was on the forehead. He hasn't done that since we were little.

After I got out of my thoughts, I hopped off the sink and walked into the living room. Soda must've went back to his room to get ready for work because it was already five in the morning.

We were at Steve's for two hours?

I laid on the living room couch and groaned. My hand is in serious pain and not to mention, I basically haven't gotten any sleep the past two days. So much has happened.

Darry walked in and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"Soda and I went on a little trip at three in the morning." I yawned and stretched my arms out.

"I thought you were mad at him?" Darry questioned.

I scoffed. "Yeah, he's not the one I'm pissed at anymore."

"Who is it then?" Darry asked, putting his coat on.



I RAN TO my house and quietly tip-toed up the stairs into my room. Sarah was still sound asleep.

I grabbed a white muscle tee and slipped my DX jacket over it. I slipped on a new pair of skinny jeans because mine were soaked and put on some black skinny jeans instead. I slipped on my white converse and french braided my hair, leaving the house.

Work is going to be awfully awkward today. I walked into Soda's house and sat on the couch to wait for him to get out of the shower as usual.

Steve wasn't here like he usually is, but I'm glad he isn't.

I might have to bash his face instead of a wall next time.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Soda came out of the bathroom. I smirked. "Wow, you're fully clothed this time."

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