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Alright, welcome to the very last chapter of this book. Probably the most emotional chapter of this book.

Just keep in mind, not all stories have a happy ending...


I TWIRLED AROUND in my wedding dress as Sarah gasped and tried to contain herself from crying

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I TWIRLED AROUND in my wedding dress as Sarah gasped and tried to contain herself from crying. "You look so beautiful!" She squealed while jumping up and down, causing me to chuckle.

"Soda's gonna pop when he sees you." Pony replied while giving me a hug.

We decided that since Sarah's really the only girl best friend I had that she'd be my maid of honor and Steve would just be Soda's best man. No bridesmaids or grooms.

Since my dad's not here to walk me down the aisle, I asked Darry to do it since he's like my father anyway. We linked arms as the Wedding March played for us to walk down the aisle.

When Soda saw me, oh boy did his eyes pop. He started tearing up and I had the biggest grin on my face. I was about to marry the guy of my dreams. I've literally been dreaming about this ever since I was a kid and it's finally coming true. I only wished my parents were here to see this, along with Soda's parents.

The gang were the only people there and that was all I wanted. All of the people I love, in the same room with me. What could be better? I turned to face Soda and couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked. He had his hair greased back like he usually did and his bright blue eyes were popping out like usual, but he had this nice tux on, which thanks to me finally being able to be a neurosurgeon we had the money. I paid for things for all of the guys. They all usually declined, except Two-Bit and Dally. They went right ahead and took the money.

It was my turn to say my vows and I took a deep breath, preparing myself for this long and sappy novel that I wrote.

"Soda, I've known you ever since I was born- and I'm not over-exaggerating either. You were there in the hospital as I was born and little did we know we'd be standing right in front of each other exchanging vows. Although I think our parents knew all along. I think they knew that sooner or later, we'd be marrying each other no matter how many tough times we've been through, or arguments. I've had a crush on you ever since I knew what love meant, and to be honest? I never actually knew what it meant until those last few weeks before I had to leave for college. A life without love is simply no life at all. Love is that tingling feeling you get when they touch you, it's that smile that creeps onto your face because you never want to let them go. Love is something special between two people. A bond that can never break. Soda, I love you so much, YOUR parents would be jealous." We both chuckled at me using his line. "My point is, I know what love is, Sodapop Patrick Curtis, and thanks to you, I'm marrying the one person I've always wanted to today."

By the time I finished, everyone had a little bit of tears in their eyes, and Two-Bit was full on sobbing. Soda had tears in his eyes and the preacher announced, "You may kiss the bride!"

Soda smashed his lips onto mine and we both held the kiss until everyone yelled at us to get a room. We both flipped them off while still kissing, and we ran down the aisle, everyone clapping behind us. Soda picked me up bridal style and put me into the car. "Ready for this honeymoon?" He questioned while smiling at me.

"Of course I am." I grinned and buckled up.

"Good because it's going to be a bumpy ride."


2 years later.....

"ANOTHER DRINK, SKYLAR?" The bartender asked as I nodded my head and smiled weakly.

He slid the glass of whiskey until it landed in front of me. I put my lips on the edge of the glass as the whiskey traveled down my throat, giving me that same burning sensation. I stared blankly at the table and traveled back to that night.

(what happened is in the video, the talking ends after the music gets louder so you'll know when to turn it off)

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat my glass of whiskey down. I've turned into the person I never said I was going to turn into..... Dallas.

I slowly got up and stumbled out of the bar. I shouldn't be driving, but at the moment I didn't care what happened to me. He's back with Sandy. He doesn't love me anymore. I pulled into the Curtis's house and Darry ran up to me. "You got drunk again?!"

"He doesn't love me anymore!" I screamed while tears fell down my face.



Okay, maybe a little since I just gave y'all a heart attack.


2 years later.....

"GRACIE AND ASHTON, get your butts downstairs!" I yelled as Bent started wagging his tail at the sound of the kids stomping down the stairs.

They both sat at the table and I served them some waffles. "It's y'all's first day of kindergarten!" I squealed, clapping my hands together. Gracie was all excited while Ashton pouted. "I want to stay here with you and Daddy."

Just then, Soda came in and gave me a peck on the lips. "Hey, Babe. Or should I say, Blue?" He smirked while tickling me which caused me to go into a fit of giggles. "Stop right now!"

The kids were watching us while laughing and Soda put me down and wrapped his arm around me while smiling at the kids. "I have the best family in the world."

"Yeah," I scoffed, "Imagine where you'd be if you got with Sandy."

He gave me a disgusted look, "I don't even want to think about it."

I started giggling and the kids gave us a confused look. "Who's, Sandy?"

"A hoe who belongs in hell." I muttered while Soda started cracking up. "Language, Missy!" He scolded.

"What? It's the truth." I shrugged, while giving the kids a hug. I walked them out to the car and got in the drivers seat to take them to school. Soda came over and gave me a kiss one more time before getting into the truck for work. The kids yelled goodbye to him and I went on my way to take them to school. I smiled and sighed happily. I have the perfect family...

Turns out, tough loves turn into great ones if you ask me.




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