Chapter 14

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Shane's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and walked back into the living room.

Oh God , he looked freaking awful .

His nose had stopped bleeding but blood stains were all over his now purple cheeks .

I had done that . That was me .

I ran over to Sawyer and slumped to the floor next to him .

I was on the verge to tears . I had become like that monster of a father . I beat someone .

"Shane I - " Sawyer started, but I grabbed the front of his shirt and began to silently cry .

"I think I have an idea of who you're thinking of . " Sawyer said as he stroked my hair 

I nodded . Before , Sawyer was my best friend . I told him everything about my dad when we were in middle school . How he abused me and my family .

"If it makes it any better , I think we're both even now . And I posted the video because Lisa sent it to me and she bribed me by saying she could- " He gulped .

"She said she would hook me up with Joey. But I guess I'm past it now . After today I get it . I get that you love him . So don't beat me up again , okay ? " He said smiling at me .

I smiled and laughed a little , wiping the tears from my face and hugged him.

"I want to be friends again . Like before high school started . " I said to him.

His body stiffened as he pulled away from me slowly .


~13 Years ago~

Sawyers my best friend . I can't wait to tell him my news !

I said dashing to his house , only three doors down .

It was the 3rd day of high school and Sawyer had become really popular . I felt lonely because sometimes , he would just plain out ignore me in front of his new friends.

I arrived at his house and went through the back door , which he left open for me so I could come over whenever.

It was kinda sad how he only paid attention to me after school . When no one was around to witness.

I ran up to his room and opened the door . He pulled out his headphones and smiled at me .

"Hey Shane . What's up ? " He smiled his toothy grin at me.

"Sawyer I think, I think I like someone ! " I blushed as Sawyer's jaw dropped.

He had always been the playboy and I was never really interested.

"Really !? That's great ! Who is it ? " He asked.

I blushed . "Well he's really - "


I stared at him confused , repeating myself .

"He's really-"

He cut me off again. "It's a guy ? Dude you're a fag ?" He said harshly.

"Ye-Yea..." I said , quietly.

"That's fucking disgusting . Get out of here, Shane. " He said , walking away from me and putting his headphones back in.

I couldn't breathe. I slowly closed the door and ran out the house , tears already streaming down my face .

My best friend didn't support me .

And after that , my high school year was a mess.

Constantly bullied and harrased

Until this one girl , Lisa , stood up for me . She became my only friend , and it turned out that I really liked her .

Until... Yea.


~Present Day~

"Shane I'm so sorry ." He said , remembering the pain he brought me.

I remembered how he ruined my high school life . There was never a day of peace . His friends would continously beat me up until I couldn't move.

I remembered. I guess this day of emotions just got me all sad again. Again.

Why did I even ask to become friends ? It's obvious Joey and I would just get hurt again .

"Get the fuck out . " I said , getting angry again.

"Shane- " He started.

"Just get out ! " I screamed , making him jump and hurry out the door , not forgetting his phone.

Joey ran down the steps , obviously hearing the commotion and looked at me slumped on the ground.

I ran out of tears and cares . Ran out of fucks.

"Shane what happened ? " Joey rushed over and put my head in his lap , as he sat on the floor.

I just put my finger to his lips and sat there .

Never feeling so confused.


I'm really sorry if you maybe got confused along the way in this chapter.

I wanted to bring out some feels , ya know ?

Thanks for Reading !!

P.S-  OVER 1000 reads ?? Give yourself another pat on the boob.

And while you're at it , imagine that Joey's probably naked right now .


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