Chapter 23

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Shane's P.O.V

I was light headed , but I could still hear the man yelling at me to get up out of the car.

My hands were tied behind my back but I somehow managed to stagger up and follow him.

I looked around and tried to see where he was taking me . It was an old apartment complex , not too far from my Mom's.

I checked my body and saw that my arms and legs were fine, but there was blood dripping down my forehead and nose.

The man opened the door and I remembered what was happening. This man is my father. He kidnapped my mom.

I started to hyperventalate, becoming angry.

"Where is my mom ? " I growled.

He laughed and swung open the door to his apartment. It was on the second floor, room 204.

He then threw me on the ground next to a terribly beaten woman.

My mom.

My breath hitched, and tears slipped down my face . She had a open gash on her forehead and her breathing was rugged.

"Mom ! " I yelled . "Wake up ! It's Shane ! "

She just lied there , struggling to breathe.

"Why the fuck are you coming back to us ? " I said, looking up at his ugly , wrinkled face.

"I heard you're a fag now Shane ? It would be a shame if I didn't congratulate you. " He smirked.

He kicked me in my stomach , knocking the wind out of me as I fell on my side gasping.

He started kicking my butt repeatedly.

"You like feeling pain in your ass Shane ? You like this ? You little fag ! " He yelled.

I just sat there taking the abuse, feeling too weak from blood loss to do anything.

And even as I coughed up blood , I had one thing on my mind.

Joey , please find me.


Joey's P.O.V

I had called 911 and they told me that an investigation would be sent out right away . But it could take days to even have a clue on where they went.

I was standing outside the house , talking with the detective when someone shouted ,

"Fresh tire marks ! We got a clue ! "

My heart leaped as I anxiously looked at the detective.

"Alright son , let's go. "

He motioned for me to follow him to his truck as we followed the tire marks.

"Well whoever took Shane is obviously a dumbass. Leaving tire marks straight to the complex."

I stared up at the 8 story apartment complex. Shane's in there. He could be dead for all I know.

I jumped out the truck before it stopped and started to run , knowing they would try to stop me.

"Joey , stop ! Come back immediately !"

But I had to keep running . The guy I loved was in there. I prayed he wasn't dead as I ran up the stairs , following a trail of blood . The smell was horrible , making me gag.

The trail stopped in front of a door 204 and I turned the knob , realizing it was locked.

Genius , Joey. I frowned. I slammed my shoulder repeteadly until the door broke off its hinges and slammed to the ground in front of me.

I looked horrified as I saw a weak looking Shane lying on the ground. Blood was coming out of his mouth , nose and forehead. His eyes were closed , passed out. Maybe. His mom was next to him, not looking any better.

I then saw the gruff , yet muscular elderly man . He turned around and looked at me , murderously.

"You're the other fag , aren't you. " He said, glaring.

I couldn't move. Should I run ? Or stay and grab Shane , maybe getting killed myself ?

"You're actually kinda cute ." Now he was coming closer.

I decided to turn and run , but he grabbed my shirt and slammed me next to wall where the door used to be .

I struggled to free myself as one of his hands pushed me against the wall, and the other on my pants.

"Let me go ! You fucking serial creep ! " I screeched.

"So you also gotta high voice , don't ya ? " He smiled, putting his hand on my crotch.

My breath caught . Holy shit. Is he going to...

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