Chapter 20

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Shane's P.O.V

I lost my voice and couldn't breathe . But was I that surprised ? She's beautiful , with big boobs to please Joey , so why not go for her ?

" Joey ? " I called out weakly. I wasn't about to just watch my boyfriend get fucked by Jesslut.

"Joey ! " I cried out , my voice cracking.

He looked up and stared at me. Jessica still riding him , enjoying every second.

"Shane , ca-can't you see we're busy ? " He slurred.

"Ya Sh-ane , Joey's done with you. " She said eying me up and down.

"And from what I can see , I'm not even sure why he would go gay for you anyways. " She smirked and they resumed kissing.

Oh hell no.

I lurched at Jessica and grabbed her hair, trying not to look at her naked body. Pulling her head towards the couch , I repeatedly slammed her head over and over.

"Get off ! You fag freak ! " She screeched.

And he slapped me. Joey slapped me on the cheek and I dropped her .

"Shane , grow up ! I'm too sexy for you anyways. " He hicupped.

Is he drunk ? I inhaled the air deeply and smelled the strong scent of alcohol . I breathed a sigh of semi-relief. It's no use talking to him now...

"I'll wait till you're sober , but you - " I pointed at Jessica.

"Get the fuck out of here. " I hissed.

"Joey ! Tell him to fuck off . " She snarled.

I walked over to Joey and pinched his neck , and Jessica jumped as he instantly fell to the ground.

"Use it when someone tries to rape you , bitch. " I glared at her .

She was shocked I did that to Joey and rushed out , not before saying ,

" I will make him mine. "

She slammed the door .

I almost believed her. If she could let this happen , who knows what else she's got planned.

Joey's P.O.V

I woke up feeling sick with a major headache. I looked around and saw that I was lying on the floor with Shane next to me.

I smiled weakly and gave him a kiss. His eyes shot open and he scooted away from me.

"Whoa , Shane I don't have a disease. " I chuckled , but his face remained serious.

"Well I'm not too sure about that. " He said.

"And what do you mean by that ? " I said defensively.

"How much do you remember about last night ? " He asked cautiously.

"Uhh, we shot the night scene and Jessica confessed - " I stopped short . Why would I say that ? With my boyfriend RIGHT here ?

" It's fine , keep going . What else ? "

He didn't seem to care too much . Is that good or bad ?

"Well I remember driving to a bar because she said I owed her at least something after rejecting her. And I guess I just had one too many..." I trailed off , hoping Shane wouldn't get to upset.

"Nothing else ? " He said simply.

"Ahh , not that I remember .  Why , is there an embarrasing picture of me that leaked or something ? " I said , trying to lighten the mood.

"No Joey , you brought Jessica home and I saw her riding you . " He said , staring into my eyes.

"Joey , you fucked Jessica."

Shane's P.O.V

If now wasn't the right time , then I don't know when is . I'm ready to come clean.

"And...and I had sex with Sawyer. " I said, waiting for whatever he had for me.

He grabbed me and rested his chin on my shoulder, softly crying. We both fucked up . We were both ashamed.

I couldn't help it . I grabbed the front of his shirt and let the tears run down my face.

"We're a fucked up couple, aren't we ? " I asked smiling , the tears still rolling down my cheeks.

" I guess that's one way to say it . But why Shane ? I was drunk . And I know you don't drink. " He now looked me in the eye , holding my shoulders so I couldn't look away from him.

" I was jealous, of Jessica. " I said , my cheeks burning.

"Shane , why would - "

"You know you guys are perfect together ! The top comments on all your videos are 'You guys are so cute!' 'Go out already' " I yelled angrily.

He was speechless. Worse , he wasn't denying it.

"Forget it. We both cheated . We're both frustrated . Let's just take a brea- " I stopped as Joey grabbed my arm.

"No . I want you . " Joey said , looking into my eyes , probing me .

"I want all of you . Now. " He said, slowly pushing me down and climbing on top of me.

He had a crazy , yet certain look in his eyes , as he stared down at me.

I liked it.

He came down and kissed me slowly and sweetly. I broke apart and whispered into his ear,

"You had me from the start. I just lost the way."

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