Chapter 6

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Zayn spoke quietly to me in the parlor.

I found him there, alone, after lunch when I explained Niall's plan. He seemed hesitant about the entire thing.

"Haven't you always wanted to return to your home? This could be your only chance." I tried to convince him but it didn't seem to work.

"What if we're caught? We'll be made an example of, especially you and Niall. We're slaves Harry, you two are royal salves. We can't just run the night of the Prince's Birthday Ball." Zayn whispered with urgency.

"So you won't come with us?" I asked, slightly shocked by this.

"I don't understand why you are going. What's waiting for you in Ireland? Crown Prince Louis adores you, he protects you. Even Lord Payne comments on how attached he is. I've never met a playmate treated as well as you. You're treated better than most of the nobility across England."

"He's getting married come spring. The King said I was to be relocated the day of his wedding. Zayn, I can't just sit and watch Louis turn away from me. He'll surely start spending more time with his bride to be, and I can't stand the thought of her. I won't just sit idly as I'm stripped of everything. Ireland is my only hope of a good life, one where I'm free to do as I please." I explained, hoping he would understand.

Zayn stared at me for a while before shaking his head slightly and bringing a hand to wipe away tears I hadn't realized I'd been shedding. When he leaned back he was smiling sadly.

"You've fallen in love with him." He stated and I could only nod.

Louis was everything to me. He was my first thought every morning, my last thought at night, and the star of all my dreams. He was the only person in this world I lived to please. I'd run to the edge of the world and back if he asked that of me. I needed him more than I need food and water. I'd rather die a slow painful death than see him suffer.

"Harry..." Zayn trailed off sympathetically.

I knew he loved Liam to an extent, but he wasn't in love with him. Zayn actually preferred girls to boys. He'd once been beaten after he was caught kissing a maid in his estate. I'd never had any interest in anyone other than Louis though.

"Do you know if he loves you in return?" Zayn gently questioned.

"Louis doesn't talk of feelings." I told him, my voice now scratchy from tears.


"I know Zayn, I know he doesn't love me. I'm his playmate, that's all."

"Is this why you're running? You've realized he doesn't return your feelings."

I stared into Zayn's sad, brown eyes for a few moments before looking down. I couldn't bear to see the pity there. He pitied my situation. He knew I had attempted to fight a battle for Louis' affection that I had no hope of ever winning. The throne has been Louis' one and only love and goal since he was old enough to understand its purpose. I couldn't even dream of a world where Louis would give up his birthright for a lowly little slave, even if he treated that slave like an equal.

"I can't go with you." He spoke when he was sure I wouldn't respond, "I won't run the night of a ball, it's a foolish decision."

"Then it seems this is our last day together." I said, disappointed that he wouldn't come with us.

"No, one day I will escape here, and possibly we'll meet again, outside the palace walls." He told me, hope glimmering in his eyes.

"Possibly." I smiled to him.

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