Chapter 19

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Four days after Louis became king was when I really felt the effects of the noble's angry stares at the party. I came and sat in Louis' office everyday as he worked. Most of the day we sat alone, but occasionally he would receive a visitor. When that happened it was usually an officer in the English Navy. Ireland was the hot topic in the office, nearly every discussion lead to Ireland and the revolt there.

On this fourth day a nobleman came in, his was an older man, his face was wrinkled and his hair held flecks of gray. I thought I recognized him, but that really didn't mean much. The man walked right in and glared harshly at me the moment he noticed my presence.

"I request a private audience, your Majesty." The man spoke in an angry tone.

"You have one Lord Cowell." Louis responded in a bored tone, looking over papers on his desk.

"I believe there is another present, Sir." Lord Cowell practically snarled at me and I flinched away from him.

Louis looked up then at the angry man killing me with his gaze. I could feel the tension as Louis looked from this man to me and back again.

"Harry is only my playmate. He is always with me." Louis stated as if confused as to why this man was so upset.

"Excuse my language your Majesty, but you are eighteen years old. Don't you think a playmate is a childish thing to keep?" Lord Cowell snapped at Louis.

Unlike when Louis' mother and father had spoken like this Louis looked taken aback by Lord Cowell's words, not outraged.

Louis' mouth opened and closed, as if not sure what to say.

"Your family has been seated on this throne for more generations than anyone would care to count. I would hate for that to all be ruined because you can't rid yourself of a childhood toy."

At this Louis seemed to react. He stood from his place behind his desk so that he was at the same height as Lord Cowell.

"Was that a threat?" Louis glared back at him, speaking in hushed tones.

"It was a warning. You two put on quite a show for the guests at the coronation feast. It's all everyone has talked about since." Lord Cowell started explaining but Louis cut him off.


"Truth! Did you or did you not lay with him the day of your coronation?! All the guests saw the evidence! You've made England an embarrassment all across Europe. Other countries are sure to attack once they realize your attraction to men! Especially with this Irish revolt! Spain in sure to swoop in any day to attempt a takeover!" Lord Cowell yelled slamming his hands down of Louis' desk.

Louis didn't speak for a few moments. He sat in his seat and looked calmly up at Lord Cowell, a new calm over his presence. He folded his hands on the desk in front of him and took a deep breath.

"England is a world power, Lord Cowell. We have the resources and man power to destroy all of Spain."

"How many of our men do you think would serve under a eunuch king?" Lord Cowell challenged.

"That's enough, Simon! I won't be insulted in my own office!" Louis screamed standing from his seat again.

No one challenges Louis' manhood.

"I just think you should be aware of what your subjects are calling you." Simon Cowell said, now suddenly calm.

"I think you should leave."

"I'm just warning you, Young King. You may have been able to get away with keeping toys as the crown prince, but the world is watching you now. They're waiting for you to slip up, Louis. Don't."

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