Chapter 18

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Tears filled his eyes now, but none fell. He closed those ocean blue orbs and pressed our lips together firmly. I felt all the emotion that I'd just seen being transferred in the kiss. He was needy and desperate.

His hands went up to cup my cheeks as he kissed even harder. His tongue slid into my mouth and made no fight for dominance over me. He kept everything gentle but yet made it rough at the same time.

Much too soon a knock at the door brought us apart.

"They're ready Your Highness." A voice called to us and Louis released my cheeks but let his grip fall to my hands.

"This is it." Louis whispered.

All traces of the tears that had been occupying his eyes were now gone along with all his worries and insecurities. Now all I could see was my over-confident, excited prince. I smiled when I realized that I had done that. I had made his worries disappear, I had calmed his nerves.

Louis pulled me in to peck my lips one last time before leading me out the door. A guard was standing just a few meters from us holding a pillow with Louis' crown. He let go of my hand and walked over, gently grabbing the crown and placing it upon his head. I'd only even seen this crown a few times, Louis wasn't one for 'head ornaments' as he liked to call them.

We were led by two other guards down to the throne room where everyone was already waiting. Louis reached down and grabbed my hand as the large doors were swung open. All the guests were standing as Louis and I walked down the center aisle to the Pope, standing in front of the thrones. The Queen sat on her throne, watching with joy as Louis and I approached her.

I momentarily thought that this is what it would feel like if I was to marry Louis. My heart soared at the thought, and I couldn't bring myself to stop imagining it. A bright smile glowed on my face as I walked proudly holding onto Louis' strong hand.

My fantasy crumbled though when I reached the end of the aisle and Louis released my hand as we climbed onto the pedestal. Louis sat on his Prince's Throne while I sat on the pillow that had been placed beside it. Normally, if his wife was beside him, she would have a chair here as well, but I'm just the playmate, nowhere near as significant as the wife.

The Pope spoke in his loud booming voice, ensuring the whole room could clearly hear his praise. I listened intently to all his prayers and recited each as it came up. Then, finally, it was time for the actual coronation.

Louis stood from his throne. I knelt beside Louis as the royal cape was draped over his shoulders.

"I pray to God that you may protect and shield your country from all harm that may befall it." The Pope spoke loudly enough that everyone could hear, but he stared straight at Louis.

Next he held his bible out to Louis who placed his left hand upon it and held his right in the air. The Pope gave him a slight nod and Louis began to recite, perfectly, the Coronation Oath.

A smile broke on my face as The Pope pulled the bible back and gestured for Louis to go sit on the King's Throne. I stayed in my place, as I was not being crowned.

Louis sat in the golden chair and I caught his beaming eyes for a moment. The Pope anointed Louis with holy oil then handed him the Scepter of the Cross in his left hand. Louis took it and listened as the Pope said a small prayer.

That's when two alter servers walked over to the Pope. One held an empty pillow that I recognized as the one Louis had retrieved his crown from earlier and the other held the Crown of England.

"By the power of God, bestowed upon me by the Holy Roman Catholic Church, I remove this crown from your royal brow," as The Pope spoke he lifted Louis' crown off his head and gingerly placed it on the empty pillow, "and replace it with the Royal Crown of England, the crown worn by your father, and his father before him, and his father before him. I crown you, Louis Tomlinson, King of England! All rise for your new King."

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