Chapter 9

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Louis slept with me that night. He didn't attempt to pull me into him like he usually does and I was thankful for that. My back still felt raw from the whip and I was almost certain some of the gashes were still trickling blood.

The next morning I was awoken by Louis shifting next to me. I turned my head to look at him. He was still asleep, but slowly waking. I felt my anger at him dissipating, but then I shifted and searing pain shot through my back. All my anger washed over me again. He's only been using me. He doesn't love me.

When his eyes fluttered open they found mine. A smile graced his face and he leaned over to me. He pecked my lips and I made no movement to return the gesture. He didn't seem to mind though.

"Good morning Hazza." He told me and began sitting up.

I only laid there, wishing only to stay in bed all day and hopefully starve to death. After a few moments of silence Louis sighed.

"Happy Christmas."

I still said nothing. I stared off into the wall on the other side of the room.

"So this is the game you wish to play?" he asked, an annoyed edge to his tone.

When I continued to stay silent he spoke harshly, "I command you to speak to me."

"Good morning Your Highness. Happy Christmas." I said, not looking at him.

I felt like Louis was about to speak again when the door opened and the little twin princess' stepped into the room followed by their nannies.

"Happy Christmas Louis!" They both shouted running toward him.

They jumped onto the bed with us and I felt Louis grab one of them up before they could reach me.

"What happened to Harry?" I heard Phoebe ask concerned.

"It doesn't matter, Love. Just don't touch him, he's in a lot of pain." Louis responded gently.

"Will he be coming down to open presents?" Daisy asked.

"No, I don't believe he's ready to get up yet." Louis told them, and I was thankful I wouldn't have to endure that.

The thought of a shirt on my wounds was an unpleasant one, and I honestly don't think I'd have the strength to stay awake and attentive for so long.

"But it's Christmas! He can't be alone on Christmas!" Phoebe shouted.

"He won't be alone Doll, I'm staying with him." Louis told her gently.

"What about your presents?"

"They'll be there when Harry gets better."

I heard both girls sigh but Louis only chuckled at them.

"Scurry along, you'll be late for breakfast." He told them gently.

They didn't give up a fight. I heard them all exchange kisses before the bed shifted and they were out the door. Louis then pulled the covers back and stepped out. He was completely naked, but didn't seem to mind it. He walked over to the door and opened it a crack.

"Have mine and Harry's meals brought to us in bed today, and tell the King and Queen I won't be joining them for any festivities." He spoke to whoever was on the other side of the door.

Seconds later he was walking back to me and curling into bed beside me. He ran a hand through my curls and toyed with them a little. Neither of us spoke as he entertained himself with my hair.

What felt like an eternity later, there was a knock on the door and a distinct Irish accent spoke, "Food cart."

It was Niall. He was the kitchen boy again. So he hadn't made it either.

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