Chapter 17

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You can tell a lot about a man by the crowd at his burial. Louis had told me that at his grandfather's burial, on his mother's side. He'd looked around at the emotionless crowd that barely filled the first 20 pews of the Cathedral then leaned over to me, whispering these wise words in my ear.

Mark Tomlinson's burial, though, was a much bigger event with a much better turnout. Kings and Queens along with nobility came from all across Europe to witness it. Not a dry eye on the grounds as the former king was laid to rest.

I'd been attached to the leash again after the events of last night. I'd cried until I was dried out before slowly walking up to Louis' bed chamber. He was already there, reading over a parchment by candle light. When he saw me enter he only glanced up at me before looking down again.

I was now being kept by Liam. Louis had handed my leash over as they'd walked over from the palace at the head of the crowd. Zayn was standing next to me, gently nudging me every so often.

Once the burial was over a feast in the King's honor was being held inside the Great Hall. Like usual, the playmates were being kept in an annex room, so as not to be a disturbance. Louis did not save me from this, as he had done at his party. He retrieved me from Liam and took me straight to the designated room. Zayn arrived shortly after, pulling a pillow over to where Louis had locked me to a support beam.

"Do they know who killed His Majesty, God rest his soul?" Zayn whispered as more playmates started filtering in.

"No, the detective is still working." I responded.

"Does he suspect anyone?" Zayn leaned in further and whispered that to me. I pulled away slightly and stared at him.

"Do you know something, Zayn?"

Zayn shot back to sit straight up as he registered my words. He stared at me with wide eyes while I looked back with curious ones.

After a little bit of silence I decided to speak. He knew something, maybe I could get it out of him if I shared a little of my own information first.

"The detective is under the impression that Lord Payne is behind it." I told him quietly.

"No! It wasn't him!" Zayn whisper shouted.

"How can you be so sure?" I rose an eyebrow at the dark skinned lad.

"I... you have to promise to keep this to yourself. I could be killed for telling you this." He leaned in, I did as well.

I nodded, suddenly extremely interested in what information he had to offer.

"I was going to find Liam the night before it happened," he emphasized the word 'it', "He was in the kitchen. I heard his voice from outside the door then I heard Niall. I couldn't understand what they were saying so I cracked the door open a little. I watched them for a few moments before Niall started talking about a revolt in Ireland. He said he was worried about his family and he had to get to them. Then Liam hugged him and told him not to act foolishly. He said that overreacting is the worst thing he could do. Niall exploded then. He started shouting about how much he hated Louis. He said he wanted to hurt him so badly. Liam hugged him again then pulled him in and pressed their lips together in a kiss. They started snogging then. I ran for it. Harry, they're together, and Niall wishes Louis dead. Could it have been possible that the plates were mixed up?" Zayn finished off his story and stared at me.

I sat silently, processing everything in my head. Niall. In the past few days I'd considered every staff member in this palace as a potential murderer, except Niall. He didn't seem capable of such a thing. But I suppose if you push someone far enough, they're capable of anything really.

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