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Azaana's POV: I woke up with Blake's arm rapped around my waist. I could hear his soft breathing in my ear. I'm starting to feel a lot of pain in my arm. I get up to grab pain killers. I look in the mirror and realize the scars on my face and arms. "Wow." I whisper to myself "I really messed my self up." I go to lay back down and I start thinking about how long it'll be until I can hoop again. This is gonna be a hard couple of months. I turn to look at the clock, it's only 5:30am. I'll just go back to sleep.
I woke up once again and turned over to see if Blake was asleep. He wasn't there, but a note was.
"Good morning!! I thought about cooking you something, but I realized that would probably kill you, so I went to get breakfast, so stay in bed and I'll see you later babe." I smiled and laughed "Blake and his notes."
While I waited for him to come back I went on Instagram and scrolled down my news feed. Same old same old until I saw one picture. It made my heart drop and my head hurt. It was a picture of Blake and Nicole kissing at some type of party. I don't know if it's old or if it's new, but it broke my heart. In the caption it said, "So is Blake and Azaana broken up or...?" Is it new?
Blake walks in with food and a smile. I sit there with a look of anger and sadness put together.
B: What's wrong?
A: Is this new or old.
I show Blake the picture. He looks down and sighs. New.
A: Answer me.
B: Alright last night while you were at the gym I went to a little get together at Matt's house. Nicole was there and I was going to leave. She stopped me and just out of nowhere kissed me.
A: Did you kiss her back?
A: You're pathetic.
I got up and grabbed my phone calling Camryn to pick me up. The whole time I locked myself in the bathroom so I could avoid talking to Blake. It's only been a few days and he's already cheating. While I'm in here, he's banging on the door trying to talk to me. I ignore him by putting in my headphones he decides to text me once he realizes I wasn't listening.
BlakeCakes😍: Can you please talk to me?
I need to change that name.
A: What else is there to talk about?
Blake😒: Open the door.
A: No you can text me.
Blake😒: You know I don't have feelings for Nicole.
A: If you didn't have feelings then why the hell kiss her you fucked up not me. Actually scratch that I fucked up by dating you.
Camryn👯: I'm here.
I walk outside pass Blake. He tries to talk to me but I won't listen. He follows me to the car.
B: Babe don't do this.
C: She's kind of doing it.
A: Camryn can you please just drive off.
We speed off and go to her house.
C: So explain everything that happened.
I explain it all to her again.
A: I don't know what I did wrong. I mean is she better than me?
My voice cracked and I start to cry.
C: Oh hell no, she hella ratchet, you're just a little ratchet.
I chuckle a little at her comment and say
A: Man fuck you man.
C: Man fuck you man?
I giggle a little.
A: Thanks for making me feel better.
C: That's what I do.
I wipe my tears and grab food. This is my only thing to do since I CANT HOOP. Days go by and I still haven't talked to Blake, he won't stop blowing up my phone though. I guess it's time to talk to him.
A: I'm ready to talk.
I text him my heart races for him to text back. Within seconds he finally texts back.
Blake😒: I'll come pick you up.
When he gets here, he drives to the beach where we had our picnic.
B: Ok I know I fucked up. I know I shouldn't have done what I did. I should've pulled away right when it happened. But I can't loose you. Of all people you're the one I cannot loose. Just give me another chance and we can work through it. Azaana I'm falling for you.
He grabs my hands and stares into my eyes. But I can't do it. I can't be hurt this way, if he wants me back he has to earn me back.
A: Blake. I can't just take you back because you asked. You have to earn me. Prove to me that you really want to be with me. So for right now we'll just have to be friends.
He looked crushed, but relieved that I still want to be friends.
B: Anything to win you back.
He gave me a long hug and a kiss on the cheek and took me back to my house.
I know it's short and stupid but a nigga gotta go to practice soooo. Byeee. Give me some feedback though?

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