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Azaana's POV

I walked in to the arena with Camryn. None of the wives or girlfriends sat behind the bench like usual. We didn't want to "distract" the boys. We decided to sit court side across from them instead. I hated the idea. I didn't want to risk Klay seeing me. I'm pretty sure all he knows that I'm with Blake, but not that I'm coming. I know he caught the message that I wouldn't want to come to any of the games when they play each other. I don't want to speak to him. The only reason Blake doesn't know about us, is because durning Blake's first year of being in the NBA he was a complete asshole. He always had girls coming over to his house, or was way to busy to even talk to me. We weren't close the first year of being drafted. Of course I would go to the games but he never had time to talk to me or always had a girls chasing him. A whole fucking year I was ignored.

I brought out my thoughts when the announcer spoke. He was calling out the Warriors. Here we go.

Klay's name was called. I held on to Camryn.

C: Calm the fuck down.

A: This is the first time I've seen the man that wanted to marry me in person since 2010. I'm freakin the fuck out right now.

When he came out I couldn't help but stare. He looked so different and more mature. We locked eyes. I turned away fast. I could still feel his stare burn at the side of my face. I looked back at him in the corner of my eye. He stared at me hard. He looked away once Andre Iguodala came out.

So much for him not seeing me.

Once the announcer finished with the Warriors he started calling out LA's finest, the Clippers.

He went through the line but when he called Blake's name I got uncomfortable. Klay and Blake in one room while I'm here. Joy.


Throughout the game Klay would glance at me. I tried not paying attention to him. But when he was on the bench he would try to get my attention. Blake was my focus for the night. And damn Blake is a beast tonight. Third quarter and he already has 30 points. I'm proud of my baby.


The Clippers destroyed the Warriors tonight. Everyone was on top of there game. I wanted to hurry up and leave but Blake was taking forever. I knew he would have a press conference so I stood by the door waiting for him to get over here. I waited with Camryn. I put my head on the wall. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the devil himself. Klay.

K: Hey Azaana.

A: Hi Klay.

K: How've you been? I haven't seen you in forever.

A: I'm good.

K: I heard how you're getting married.

A: Yup.

K: Should've been us.

A: Oh my god Klay, I wasn't ready.

K: But you are now?

A: Yes! Blake and I are in love, let it go.

K: Why don't you ever come to the games.

A: Because I didn't want this talk.

K: You always avoid things.

A: No I only avoid you.

K: I know you still love me.

A: You know every ex I've had says that I still love them. They end up completely wrong. I don't still love you. I don't want you back in my life. I don't want to sneak around with you. I want nothing to do with you. I've moved on.

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