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Azaana's POV:

I wake up with a smile on my face. I turn to look at Blake who wasn't there. Figures. He's such an early riser. I sit up and rest my head on the headboard. I through my head back and smile thinking about the moment we had last night. I have to admit it was probably the best I've had. I think it's because of the whole "I haven't seen you in so long and I want your body now" type of sex, which is always great. I crawl out of bed feeling a little sore. I laugh at the reason why. I grab Blake's shirt and put it on, like old times. I brush my teeth and wash my face, and head down stairs. I see Blake laying on my counter on his phone. I hate when he does that.

A: Boy get your fat ass off my counter!

He jumps and drops his phone on his face. I bust out into laughter while Blake gives me the evil eye.

B: Not cool bro.

A: Are you mad? Or nah?

B: Shut up and come here.

I skip over to him pulling him off my marble counter. He pulls me into his body by my waist and kisses me softly on the forehead. I trace the outlining of his chiseled chest. We smile at each other, I guess it's because we're finally going back to normal. Everything is getting better. I through away the drugs and he put the bottle down. He has his spark in his eyes again. He doesn't have dark bags under his eyes anymore. He smiles bigger now, and this time it's for real. His eyes aren't blood shot and a darker brown. He's happy. And it makes me happy. I know I told him to go away, but it's like we can't be apart for too long. We're inseparable. I let what I love free and it came back. I know it's real. Blake and I have a special kind of love. It's like we never lose love for one another. We never love each other less, just more and more everyday. I look at him and I feel this feeling I never want to lose. It's something I can't put in words.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Blake squeezes my ass. I squeal and giggle.

B: You know we have a sort of Love and Basketball relationship.

A: Really? How is that?

B: Well we've known each other for a long ass time. We love each other. And we play basketball. Duhh.

A: That doesn't mean it's Love and Basketball.

I start giggling.

B: Then what story are we?

A: I don't want to live anybody else's story. I want to have our own. With each other. A unique one.

B: That sounds perfect to me.. Anything with you sounds perfect.

He pecked my lips and I started laughing.

B: What?

A: We're just so.. so cheesy!

B: Oh my god we are.

A: But it's cute. I'll accept it.

B: Good.

I get out of his grasp and go to the radio. I turn on "Drunk in Love" by Beyoncé and get over excited. I love this song to much. I grab Blake's hand and make him dance with me.

A: Surfboard! Surfboard!

B: Stop you sound crazy.

A: We be all night!

B: Singing isn't your strong suit.


B: Wow stick to basketball.

A: Do you wanna fight bro?

B: Bring it on midget!

I attempt to attack Blake but he caught me in mid air. He lightly slammed me on the couch and tried jumping on me, but I quickly rolled off the couch on the ground. I grabbed Blake pulling him on the floor with me. I pinned his arms down over his head and sat on top of him.

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