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Blake's POV:

B: Azaana wait!

I rushed outside seeing her walking down the street. I ran over to stop her. She had tears in her eyes with her head down. When she looked up at me she rolled her eyes and kept walking.

A: Leave me alone!

B: We just want to help you!

A: I'm fine! Can't you see I'm fine!?

B: No you aren't! You know you aren't! You're want to put you on the right path.

A: I don't need your help! I don't need anyone else's help! I went to rehab for all of you! I threw away my razors for all of you! I did everything you all wanted and you still want more! God it's like I can't please you people! Do you know how annoying and how hard it is to have everyone one riding your ass, saying that you need help when you don't?! No! You fucking don't! Please stop saying that I need help!

B: We love you! I love you! You're my best friend, my first actual love, and my first heart break! I can't stand seeing you like this!

A: Like what?! How many times do I have to say I'm fine?! It's hard when you have to live a life with your friends trying to control you! Maybe none of you actually are my friends! Maybe I should just shut everyone else out again! Matter of fact... Just stay out of my life.

Those very words slapped me across the face. She can't mean that.

B: Stay out of your life?

A: Yes, like this is goodbye.

B: Azaana-

A: No. This is what needs to happen.

B: But I-

A: Stop. Here have this back.

She handed me back the ring I have her our freshman year of college for her birthday. She would only take it off for games and practices, but nothing more. I gave it to her as a promise ring. That no matter how tough a situation is, we would always be best friends, we would never give up on each other.

B: No. You know what this ring means to both of us.

A: Well, some promises can't be kept forever.

B: But this is one of them.

A: It's not.

She put the ring in my hand but I just stared at it. I felt my eyes get watery. She means it. She wants me out of her life. I can't force her to stay. When you love someone and they don't want to stay, you let them go. For their benefit, so they can be happier. It's hard, but it's something I have to do, I have to let her go. I put the ring in my pocket and looked back up at her. I stared her in the eyes, as she did with tears still running down face. I pulled her in for a long hug.

B: I'll always love you.

I let her go. I let her walk away from my life. I lost her.

Azaana's POV:

I have such a huge headache from all this crying. My heart feels like it fell out of my chest. My eyes burn from my tears. This walk back home is killing me. I see a Denny's and head over there. I'm a little hungry, I didn't eat before I came, because I thought I was going on a date. I walk inside and ask for a vanilla shake. I put my head down on the table until my shake comes.

"You alright sweetie?"

The waitress asked.

A: Yeah just a headache that's all. Thanks for asking.

"No, no you've been crying, I know a heartbroken girl, and you are broken sweetie. You wanna talk about it?"

A: Not really.

"Alright, just let me know if you need to talk. Enjoy your shake."

A: Thank you.

Once I finished my shake I paid and waved to the waitress from earlier. I was taking a short cut to my house. While I was walking I saw a group of boys with big bottles of alcohol. I turned and walked the other way because I knew that would be a bad idea. One of them saw me walking away and whistled out at me. Shit.

"Aye mommy come talk to daddy real quick!"

I kept walking, but I picked up my pace a little bit.

"Aye I know you hear me talking to you!"

I turned around and saw him and his friends sprinting after me. I took off running down the abandoned street. I ran as fast as I could, but I felt one of them grab my arm. I screamed for help, but no one heard me.

"Stop screaming bitch!"

He punched me in the face. I kept screaming and screaming but no one was coming. They were all circled around me, grabbing on me, trying to rip off my clothes. I kept screaming with tears in my eyes. I saw a car light flash on us. I kept screaming then got hit once again that knocked me out. That's all I remember.

The Love We Never Lost (Blake Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now