Bikinis and Waves

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"Lookin' good, Katie," Cole said, smiling at me. I was wearing my yellow and purple bikini. Those two colors actually looked really good together.

"Hey!" Dani slapped him while smiling playfully. She looked amazing, like she had just stepped out of a Victoria Secret magazine with her blue bikini complimenting her tanned skin and brown hair.

"Hey yourself!" he said playfully before grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Cole Daniel Bryant! Put me down this instant!" Dani shouted at her boyfriend.

"Okay mom," Cole set her down, and then attacked her, catching her by surprise. She fell back into the sand with him laying on top of her. Even from this far out I could hear Dani's giggles.

"Come on," Corey said dragging me towards the ocean, "We should leave those two lovebirds to it."

"Ew!" I exclaimed on disgust when I realized what he meant. I looked over at the others. Dylan was giving Sam a piggyback to the water. Sam was wearing an amazing red bikini, her dark hair coming loose from its ponytail. Liam was splashing Brittney with water. Brittney was dressed in a green bikini, her blonde hair cascading down her back. I don't know how her hair's not a mess by now. And lastly, Nick and Gemma were just in the water, talking and coming very close to kissing. Gemma's hair was tied up in a messy bun, her orange bikini complimenting all her features.

So basically all the girls were in bikini's, all the guys in boardies.

The guys were all showing off their amazing abs. All the girls within a fifty meter radius would be drooling over five hot bodies. But one look at their girlfriends would send all the girls six feet under.

Corey on the other hand...

He knew he was sexy, and there was nothing to hold him back. It's not like he had a girlfriend or anything, so he was obviously winking at girls and flirting with a few of them.

"So," I said, a mischievous glint in my eyes, "You ready to get your ass kicked by a girl?"

"In your dreams Morrison."

"We'll see about that Davis."

And with that, we were off, both of us paddling out to sea. I was scanning the horizon for the perfect wave when one came straight to me. And let me tell you, this wave was massive.

"You gonna ride this one?" Corey asked.

I nodded sweetly, "I'm going to ride this one, but I don't think you should honey. You might get a big boo boo."

"You're on babe."

We both paddled up to it at the same time and I reckon I nailed that pop-up, but Corey did an awesome pop-up too. Ok signature move don't fail me this time.

I decided I'd have to wait a bit more before attempting to pull of my move. I rode the wave exactly how my dad had taught me.

I also managed to go into a wave. I know I've done that a lot if times but it never fails to amaze me. Inside a wave, I just felt so amazing and special. I know that sounds really cheesy but meh.

I let my hand run in the water, holding on to a piece of my dad that was truly amazing. Before he went all psycho, dad loved the water more than anything.

"So much for kicking ass, Kit Kat!" Corey called out from in front of me.

"Oh you just wait and see Davis. Wait and see."

He scoffed loudly and leaped up out of the water, pulling off the perfect 360.

"Well done Corey," I said clapping my hands, "But check this out."

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