Angels and Rules

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"Katie," a voice enters my dreamless sleep. A voice that sounds like an angel.

"Katie," the voice says again, shaking me a bit. Then without warning, a muscular arm slid under my knees and another aorund me, lifting me up. I opened one eye and saw Corey. Well, at least some of him.

He was looking forward so I couldn't see his face but, I could see his chin and the slight stubble that had grown, the way his rosy lips were set in a line.

I closed my eyes and buried my face into his chest.

"I'm sleepy," I said after a while.

I felt Corey laugh, "You just slept for two hours."

"That's not enough." I stopped talking and buried my face further into him.

"Is something wrong with her?" I heard my mother's voice. We must be inside.

"She's fine," Corey replied, "I think she's a little shaken that's all."


"Uh," he looked down at me, and I slightly shook my head, "It's not in my place to tell, and I think Katie wants to tell you herself. But later."

"Okay," Mom said, "Thank you."

Corey carried me to my room and put me down on my bed. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but nothing came. Corey walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but it didn't come.

Giving up on sleep, I decided to get changed and catch up on school work.

I got into a singlet and shorts, put my hair into a messy bun and brought my work to my bed to start doing it.

After I finished English, it was my best subject so I could get it done super quick, I put some music on and started my Maths work.

I was about half way through the work when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

My mom came in. I sat up straight, knowing where this conversation would go.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"What happened?"

"You might not be happy with everything, so you have to promise not to overreact."

"Okay, I promise not to overreact."

I took a deep breath and started, "We went to a restaurant on the way back home, and Sam and I went to the bathroom. Then a drunk guy stumbled in and kinda lunged at us and took me down. Sam went to get help and drunk guy had me pinned down before Corey came in..."

I stopped there when I saw my mom's face, "Nothing happened though," I siad quickly.

"It was sure damn close to happening!"

"Mom," I tried to calm her down, because when my mom's pissed, she goes crazy, "Calm down."

"Calm down?!" When I nodded, she exploded again, "You almost got freaking raped and you're telling me to calm down?!"


"Okay, okay, you're right." She took a couple of deep breaths.

"Thank you," I threw my arms up and was about to go back to my work.

"You're not going to be going anywhere with that boy or his friends."

"Excuse me?"

Was she being serious? I was expecting something crazy but this is just...beyond crazy.

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