Motorcycles and Chocolate

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"Hey Corey, do you have a bike?"

A few days passed with absolutely nothing happening, except studying for finals.

"A bicycle?"

"No, a motorcycle."

"Yes I do," he said with a mouthful of cereal, "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering if we could take that to school today."

Corey stopped eating and stared at me, "You want to take a motorcycle to school?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, "What's so bad about that?"

"But girls hate motorcycles!"

I smirked, "I guess I'm not most gi-"

Corey slapped a hand over my mouth, "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

I smiled through his hand and licked it so he would let go of my mouth.

Corey stumbled back in disgust, "Did you just lick me?"

I smiled innocently and skipped to the front door.

Corey joined me a few moments later, carrying an apple and a muesli bar.

"What's that?"

"Your breakfast," he told me, throwing them to me.

I caught them and stared at the food in my hands.

Since I had stopped eating for a while it wasn't very easy to maintain a healthy diet. Sure I ate a few more snacks than necessary, but meals would only have a bit if food in my stomach or no food at all.

"I can eat this," l told him.

"Why not?"

"It's not that l'm not hungry," l tried to explain, "It's like when you're sick and you're disgusted by food."

"I think that's bullshit," he told me, opening the door and walking outside. Corey pulled a remote out of his pocket and pressed a button. The garage door opened.

Inside the garage was all kinds of different things. There was helmets, skateboards, tricycles, bicycles, a lawnmower and heaps more random things.

Corey walked over to an object covered in a white sheet, which I was guessing was his motorcycle.

He threw the sheet off dramatically, like you see people do in movies, bringing up a lot of dust.

"Wow," was all I could say, staring at the contraption in front of me. I don't no any bike terms so all I could see was a shiny off black bike with two pretty big wheels.

"Is it big enough for two people?" I asked, running one hand along the bike.

"Yeah," Corey smirked before grabbing his helmet, "But you're going to have to really get close to me."

I narrowed my eyes at him as he gave me a helmet.

I don't know why I couldn't do it, but I was having trouble getting the helmet on.

"Why are you even struggling, Kit Kat?"

Corey grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, a little bit closer than necessary.

He was sitting on his bike and I was standing in between his legs. We were so close I could feel his breath on me.

He pulled me down so I was at eye level with him and he slowly started putting the helmet on my head, not breaking eye contact once.

Corey started to lean in and I started freaking out.

I cleared my throat and pulled back, "Uh, thanks. I think I got it now."

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