Confessions and Fireworks

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Near, far,


Wherever you are,


I opened one eye lazily to see Corey standing the doorway.

"Why are you listening to this song?" He walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"Because," I got up, stretched and yawned before continuing, "I love the movie." Corey rolled his eyes and opened his mouth but I beat him to it. "I swear if you say anything bad about Leonardo DiCaprio I will murder you in your sleep."

"Whoa," he raised his hands in surrender before standing up, taking my hands and pulling me up with him, "You know what day it is right?"

"Anthony Hopkins's birthday?"

A chuckle escaped him, "That and..."

"The tenth anniversary of the Taipei 101?"

"New Year's Eve works fine too," he said with an eye roll.

"Yeah, and that," I smiled, "So, what are the plans?"

"Why do you think I've planned something?"

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Because you always do."

Corey narrowed his eyes at me, "Still."

"Come on," I nudged his shoulder, "Where are we going?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "There is a party over at some guy's house though."


"Were you thinking of going?"

"I don't know."

I looked down at my feet, shuffling from side to side. He must have known what this meant.

"We don't have to go," he said quickly, "We can always do something else."

I smiled to myself at this. Everyone knew that Corey Davis was never passed by at a party, especially a party as big as one celebrating the start of a new year.

"You can go if you really want to," I said despite myself. I didn't want to be one of those clingy, restrictive girlfriends.

"Hey," Corey's arms slid around my waist and pulled me close to him. My heart rate increased when he lifted my chin with his finger forcing me to look at him, "There is no place I would rather be today than with you. Even if there is a massive party that everyone is going to."

We both laughed at his last sentence before he said, "I am serious though. I don't want to go to that party if you're not going to be there."

"You killed the mood," I mumbled sarcastically, "But thanks."

"No need to thank me. Just because I am highly attractive and you would fuck me anytime of the day, doesn't mean you should be showering me with gratitude."

"Whoa there buddy," I said while blushing furiously, "Let's turn down those testosterone levels."

Again, we both broke out in fits of laughter. Corey's arms loosened before he let go of my waist and slowly making his way to my door.

"Get dressed though," Corey said with a smirk, "Casual."

"Why? I thought we weren't going anywhere."

"We're not going to the party, but do you really think we're not going to do anything on New Year's Eve?"

"I guess not."

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