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I run through the forest with my paws clumping to the ground. I leap over rocks and sprint through the trees. I trip and fall face first on a pile of dirt. "Amber! My sweet little niece, where are you? We could make the most adorable hybrid pups! WHERE ARE YOU!" Peter screamed. I shift back and keep running in the forest. Peter's wolf lunges itself at me and growls, his eyes turning pitch black. I raise my palm and blow a gush at wind at him. He hisses and claws my thigh.

I scream in pain but blow another gush at before sprinting in the other direction. I keep running because I knew the moment I stopped, I'd die. Peter throws a fire ball at me that sends me flying. I roll into a pile of snow and grown in pain. Peter growled and ran away. I close my eyes as I feel the blood drip off my skin into the snow.
We were guarding the area, when we spot a girl laying on a pile of snow, bleeding. She had ginger hair and specks of freckles. We shift and I shake her, but nothing happens. "Should we wait for Alpha or just take her to the rogue jail?" I ask.

The other guard shrugged, "Take to the jail and use her for whatever we desire." I smile and pick her up and we walk back to town. After chaining her up, we go back upstairs to drink some beer and play poker with the other guards.
I wake up with my forehead and leg throbbing in pain. "Where am I?" I ask myself. Chains were tied on my arms and a cell door was locked. Two guards unlock the cell and looked at me.

"Look at that Greg, she's got gray eyes," one says.

Greg looks at me, "She'll be fun, Jose. Real fun." I try to get in contact with my wolf. Daisy? Are you there? I think. Nothing, guess I'm on my own.

"Let me go!" I scream.

Jose slaps me, "Who do you think you're talking to, rogue? We are Alpha Gabe's best guards!"

I bit my lip, I heard about Alpha Gabe and his tribe, 'The Black Claws'. They're known for taking wolves as hostiges, calling them rogues, and killing them for fun.

"What's going to happen to me? Will I die?" I ask.

They both smile, "If you satisfy our needs, you won't."

Jose inches closer to me and tries to rip off my shirt. Then Greg takes off his shirt and smashes his lips on mine. I squirm and try to get then off me, but it doesn't work. They roughly press their bulky bodies onto mine, which makes me feel weaker every second. They start rubbing my legs and biting my neck.

I felt weak, hopeless, and lost. I just wanna go home. Months past and they felt like years. I felt that every single day, I was going to die. They would touch me, but it never got far beyond that. I felt so grateful to God and the moon goddess Celeste for letting me live with my virginity. I was still sleeping, but I woke to a startling surprise.

"Sweetie?" a voice said, while lightly smacking my cheeks. I woke up to see a guy with dark blue eyes and dirty blond hair in a man bun, who wasn't wearing a shirt. For some reason, my heart started beating like a drum. Then realizing his outfit, my heart instantly stopped as I backed against fearing what was going to happen to me.

His face softens, "No, no. I'm not going to touch you. I just wanted to know why you're hear. I'm Gabe."

My face paled, "I don't want to d-die."

He frowned, "Why would you die?"

I shuddered, "The g-guards. Jose and Greg. They said if I satisfied their needs, I wouldn't d-die."

His eyes turned pitch black and I whimpered in fear, "JOSE AND GREG! GET DOWN HERE, THIS INSTANT!" Jose and Greg came down smiling when they saw me, helpless and pale. I whimper.

Gabe stood up, "She said, that she had to satisfy your needs in order to live. WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOUR NEEDS!" Jose and Greg's smiles fell and they looked at me in anger.

"I COME BACK FROM A TRIP TO HEAR THAT AN INNOCENT WOLF WAS BEING MOLESTED BY YOU TWO! Would you like to explain yourselves?" Gabe vented.

My heart started racing at the sight of Gabe. I have barely known him but, could he be my mate? Jose and Greg bowed, "We are sorry. We thought she was nothing more than a rogue." They looked up expecting him to feel better, but Gabe's eyes were pitch black.

"This so called 'rogue' is my mate!" Gabe screamed. Jose paled and Greg turned green as Gabe continued, "You're punishments will be decided, later. GO!"

After Jose and Greg left, Gabe turned his attention back to me, "Your leg is badly cut. Can you walk?" I shook my head as he unlocked the chains. My wrists and ankles were red and blistering from the chains, but they were free. He pulled me up and carried me bridal style up the stairs, out of the dungeon. He walked to a room with oak wood furniture with wood floors, a golden chandelier, and couches that had red cushions. There was a fireplace in the back and a bookshelf TV stand.

Right by it was a marble kitchen with a gray fridge, stove, and cabinets.
There was a doorway to the master bedroom which had a huge bed with the same color scheme with a bathroom next to it and a closet on the wall. He laid me on the bed and sat next to me, "Ok. So, what's your name?" I hesitate, "Amber."

He smiled, "Ok, Amber. I'm going to run you a bath and you can bathe yourself, alright?"

I nodded and he smiled before kissing my forehead, "Ok. I'll be right back."

In a matter of seconds, I heard the faucet turn on. Gabe came back and carried me to the bathroom, "Ok. Now, you'll have to take off your clothes." I shivered, Jose and Greg hit me so hard that it left bruises in some places. But I agreed and took off my pants. I haven't seen my cut in months, but it's obviously healing. Then I took off my shirt. The bruises were either dark red, purple, or black.

Gabe growled but softened, "You can take off your panties and bra if you want. I'll close my eyes."

After he closed his eyes, I took them off and slipped into the bathtub. The warm water mixed with the medical chemicals burned my thigh, "Ah!"

Gabe opened his eyes, and rushed to my side, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "Just burns a little."

He sighed, "Take as long as you need to. When you're done, take a towel, go into the bedroom and change into the clothes I put out for you. I'm just going to make some mac and cheese for us, ok?" I nodded and he left.

After a few minutes of soaking, I got up and went to go change into the sweater and sweatpants he left for me. I went into the living room, to see that Gabe was on the couch eating his mac and cheese with the remote. "Hey! Come sit, while I get you your food," he smiled. I sat on the couch and he handed me the mac and cheese. It was so good and then Gabe was about to put on a movie, "I was thinking World War Z, wanna watch?" I nodded and put the empty bowl on the foot table before I snuggled into Gabe.

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead before clicking the movie. Halfway through the movie, I get a little drowsy and drift off to sleep.
Amber fell asleep during the movie, on my lap. When I first met her, my heart skipped several beats. After I heard and saw what those guards did to her, I felt my inner wolf come out. I turned off the movie and carried her bridal style to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and brushed her ginger hair with my fingers. I kissed her cheek and she smiled in her sleep.

"Goodnight sweetie," I whispered before climbing in next to her and falling asleep.

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