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I walked over and knelt by his body. It wad turning into more and more dust at every passing second. "F*ck," I growled.

His men stood by me, with their faces unresponsive. "What do you want?" I growled.

"Well, we don't have an Alpha for our pack since Peter died. We need an Alpha and you're all that's left," they replied.

I nodded, "Clean this mess. I don't want to see a speck of dirt." I kick his body and walk into the hallway. A brown haired girl walked by, and I gripped her shirt. She yelped as I dragged her along the ground to a room. I looked at her eyes, orbs of brown. I chuckle then ripped off her shirt.

She yelps before growling. I stared at her, my eyes turning a piercing blue. She struggled before her body went limp and her eyes turned lifeless. She wasn't dead, I had just activated her subconscious mind to succumb to me. It was a trait that Peter gave to me, kind of like hypnosis. I took of her pants without her flinching once.

"What's your name?" I growled.

"Maya," she answered, staring ahead.

"You are mine now," I say.

"Yes master. I am yours," Maya replies. I smile as I unclip her bra. She doesn't move at my touch. I rub her boobs and pinch her nipples. Then I squeeze her boobs and throw her to the floor. I rip of her pants and panties while I slip inside. I roar inside her p*ssy and cum drips from us. When I'm finished, I dress her again and sent her away. 'Time to get another one', I think.

I was building an empire.

Amber was laying on the examination table in the doctor's office. Mom came back with the equipment, "Amber, its best to look away." Amber nodded and stared into my eyes. Mom nods and the blade cuts through Amber's skin. She flinched but kept staring at me.

"Ok! You're done. In two weeks you have to come get them removed," Mom said. I nodded and we both made our way up the packhouse.

I threw my arm around Amber, "So, what do you want to do?"

Amber shrugs, "I want to ask some questions."

I smile, "Sure. Anything for you, love." I sit on the couch and pat the place next to me. She sits down and waits.

"When do you mark me?" she asked.

I pondered, "Well, we have to be having sex. And your stitches will have to be out some time before then. So, two and a half weeks. Is that ok?"

She pecks my lips, "It's perfect. Another question. Do people in your pack get married?"

I nodded, "Of course. Everyone has a wedding wheither you're rich or poor. Why do you ask?"

She looks away, "My parents weren't married. They were just mated and marked. At the time period when they found each other, there was a war. They didnt have time to get to know each other. A day after they met, my father went to war, and my mother was pregnant with her first son, Jordan."

She shrugged, "Even though I'm tough and all, a picture perfect by-the-book wedding is everything I've dreamed of. Don't make fun of me.."

I kissed her forehead, "Never. If that's what you want, we'll make it happen." She smiled and my heart fluttered. I wrapped my arm around her, as she snuggled into me.

I sat on the edge of the bed while Jess had curled into a ball, sleeping. I smile then a knock appears. I open the door to see a muscular brunette wearing a red T-shirt, shorts, and Combat boots standing there.

"I'm Carter, captain of the guard. Gabe said I'll be working with you," he grumbled.

I nodded, "Yep. I'm Dallas." 

He chuckles and throws me a bag. I open it to find T-shirts, three beige shorts, and one pair of Combat boots. "Training starts tomorrow at two P.M. Don't be late," he said.

I nodded and he slammed the door. Jess woke up and rubbed her eyes, "What happened?"

"The captain of the guard came in to give me an assignment. He said I have training tomorrow at two P.M. He seems very tough," I shrug.

She nods and pats the side next to her, "Come her and sleep. It's not going to be good if your tired at training."

I chuckled and laid beside her, cuddling, "Night, Jess."

"Goodnight, Dallas," she hums.

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