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Amber was snoring softly, bundled in the blanket. I was beyond furious finding out what Gabriel had done to Amber. No one touches my mate. I flip open my laptop and scroll through the pack's attendance list which consisted of personal items such as everyone's names, emails, email passwords, and where they where located in the pack. I scroll down the page and click on 'Gabriel Lark Davidson'. His information pops up and I click it.

Gabriel Lark Davidson
Born on: January 26th, 1968
Mate: N/A
Married to: Cheryl Annie Scott/Davidson
Children: Gabriel Jr. Florian Davidson, Ellie Amelia Davidson, Daisy Maria Davidson, Patty Elliana Davidson, Kelsey Jessica Davidson
Location: Packhouse/House 2 miles from packhouse/Lake house
Email Password: Amber Parker

I pause, why would his email password be Amber Parker? I go to his email and type in his information. I scroll down his history to find a video that he sent to himself and someone from fourteen years ago. I put in my earphones and press play. A young girl with brown hair and gray eyes is bending down, completely naked. She stares in the screen, her expression filled with hurt, pain, sorrow, distraught.


Gabriel walks behind her and whispers, "Take this like a good girl." He rams into her, and just like that, her face goes expressionless. Her eyes lose all emotion, her face stiff.

"F*ck yeah, your so tight Amber. Geez, loosen up a bit. There you go," he moans. After twenty minutes he gets out of her and pushes her body to the floor. Here eyes close and her body becomes limp.

"Dallas, it's your turn.." Gabriel says. I click out of the box and throw my earphones against the wall. I breath heavily as Daniel spirals out of control.


Yes, Gabe?

Call a meeting of the council, leave my father out of it.

Right away. Um, Gabe, are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine. Just do it.

I walk to the council meeting room and sit in the chair. Jake and the other membera of the council walk in, sleep written on their faces. I didn't expect the Elders to be present, mainly because of their age. Jake sat with a pen, "So, why are we here, Alpha?"

"I stumbled upon an interesting video that I thought you should see," I growl. I play the video and everyone watches it. When he rams into Amber, growls are heard from the room. I joined them. I paused the video when he calls for Dallas, mainly because Dallas was sitting right there.

"What are we going to do?" Jake growled, "He could hurt my babies."

I nod, "We give him the death penalty and we show the pack, and mom, the video. They will be furious finding out what Gabriel had done to their Luna. Mom might be a little unwilling at first, but she'll understand. Are we clear?"

Everyone nods.

"Great, let's do this."

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