Twenty Five

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Gabe stares at me and the liquid that had now bled into the couch, "Holy sh*t."

"Well don't just stare there and gap. Help me!" I shout. Gabe snaps from his trance and lift me up, bridal style. He runs out of the room and down to the medical wing.

Cheryll sat there, "Your appointment isn't till Monday.."

"She's in labor," Gabe pants. Cheryll gasps and motions to the bed. Gabe places me there and I lay down.

Cheryll turns to Gabe, "Get Amber two pairs of clothes from your room and her phone to entertain her. We might be in here for a while. Get her some liquids like water or soup. If you hear her scream, it's fine. Hurry!" Gabe nods and runs out the door.

Cheryll turns to me, "Amber, have you felt muscle pains or contractions since your water broke?" She rubs my belly and lightly pushes it.

"No, I.." I pause as a rippling pain comes into my mist. I cry and breath really fast.

Cheryll comes to me and squeezes my arm until I tell her that the pain had subsided. She looks at the clock, "Two minutes. Tell me when another one comes."

Gabe returns with water and a banana smoothie. This pain comes back and continues the same process for two hours. Cheryll had given me some medicine earlier. Gabe came close to me and kisses my forehead.

I got really angry and yelled, "Back off, Gabriel!" Gabe was hurt until Cheryll explained that it was mood swings from labor. Eventually, Cheryll checks and determines that I'm ten centimeters dilated.

"Ok, Amber, I need you to push," Cheryll says, "But pace yourself and breath."

I nod and push, "Ah!" After that, I breathe and Cheryll instructs me again. Gabe holds my hand as we repeat the process eight times.

I thought we were getting nowhere into Cheryll says, "I see a head!" We repeat the process eight additional times before Cheryll pulls out a baby.

"It's a boy!" she screams in delight. Gabe smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

I grab Gabe's arm as another contraction ripples and I push. Cheryll paused until she gasps and says, "I see another head!" Gabe grips my arm as we repeat the process five more times.

Then, Cheryll pulls out another baby and smiles, "It's a girl." I smile and Gabe gaps. Cheryll cleans and wraps up the twins and gives Gabe the boy and me the girl. She has tuffs of dirty blonde hair, her hands in little fists. My son has dirty blonde curls, his body curled into his father.

Then she blinks open her eyes and I gasp. She has beautiful dark blue orbs with a tint of gray. They stare into my eyes and blink twice. A single tear drops down my cheek, "She's beautiful."

Gabe smiles and looks at our son. He has the same mesmerizing dark blue eyes with the tiny flair of gray. Cheryll takes a pen and paper, "What is his name?"

I look over to Gabe who nods. He smiles at our son, "Jayson Ethan Ullr Davidson." Cheryll holds her hand to her heart and scribbles the name down.

She looks at me, "And hers?"

I smile, "Bella Jasmine Cheryll Davidson." Cheryll walks over to me and gives me a hug. She takes the babies and put them in little cribs.

I look at Gabe who smiles at me, "I love you."

He winks, "I love you too." He kisses me on the lips as I watch my babies lay in their cribs.

5 Weeks Later

"Hey Bella! Ready to meet the pack?" I say in a baby voice. Bella stares back at me, her lips turning up slightly. I laugh at her gesture and carry her to the bathroom. I place her inside her baby bath tub and she smiles. Gabe stood next to be, washing Jayson in his tub.

"Your son likes to splash," Gabe mumbles as Jayson squirms in the tub, "Got my shirt wet.."

I laugh, "Gabe, you can afford ten of those shirts." He laughs and continues to bathe Jayson as I bathe Bella. Soon, we dry them, slip on a diaper, and dress them. Gabe dresses Jayson into a gray and green monster onesie and I dress Bella in a pink onesie that says, 'Daddy's Princess Has Arrived' with a pink headband.

We carry the twins to the living room and strap Bella in the second stroller seat, and Jayson in the first. I grab the diaper bag and Gabe comes back with a clean shirt. We walk down the corridor into the elevator. We ride it down to the dining hall where the pack sat. All the noise stopped as we walked in.

Gabe stood in the middle, hand intertwined with mine, "Thank you pack for joining us in the celebration of the birth of my children, Jayson and Bella Davidson."

The pack erupted into cheers and I silenced them with a wave, "Now, we have chosen Carter and Genevieve to be the godparents for Jayson and Ellie and Jake to be the godparents for Bella."

They gasp and walk to the front. Carter holds Jayson to his chest and holds his little fists. Jake tries to hold Bella, but Ellie growls and takes her. Jake chuckles and whispers something to Ellie. Bella looks at them and coos. I laugh and Gabe and I walk behind them and smile for pictures.

Eventually, Dallas and Jess take pictures as the aunt and uncle. I smile, and Cheryll and Gabe's sisters take pictures with the twins.

This day was perfect and nothing could ever stop it.

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