Twenty Two

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"So Gabe has no idea of your wedding dress?" Jess asks.

I shake my head, "Not a clue. I have a picture on my phone. Wanna see?" She nods and I scroll through my gallery. I hand her my phone.

She gasps, "Amber! It's beautiful!"

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She gasps, "Amber! It's beautiful!"

"Thanks. I tried it on and it fit me fine. It makes me feel like a princess," I say.

"You are already Gabe's princess. Now, you'll the pack's princess," Jess smiles and I blush.

"So, Jess. You and Dallas starting a family anytime soon?" I added in.

She blushed, "Yeah, but I wanna wait a while. Just don't want to get pregnant right now."


I hate lying to Amber and Dallas. But, I'm afraid to have sex with Dallas. I know he'll never hurt me, but it's just that, after being raped everyday for two years... I-I can't easily trust someone anymore. Amber left and Dallas came in. He sat by me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, "Hey Angel."

I smiled, trying to hide in my stutter, "Hey.."

He frowns and takes in a deep breath, "What happened? Your smell changed."

I sigh and roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom, "I really don't want to talk about it."

He gets up and wraps his arms around my waist, "Angel, please tell me what's wrong. Luke is going crazy and Amy won't open up to him."

I push him off, "I don't want to talk!"

He stumbles back and looks at me. I could feel his heart shatter, "Angel?"

"I said I don't want to talk! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" I scream and storm out of the room. I run outside the packhouse and walk around. I find a tree and I slump down and cry into my knees. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Dallas, I'm really sorry about what.." I say before a voice interrupt me.

"B-baby, let's get out of here! You and me and my bed," a voice slurs. I look up and see a blonde male with brown eyes holding a beer bottle.

He grabs my waist and I smack his hand and hiss, "Stop."

He pulls me up and smacks my ass, "Firm little p*ssy, you got there.." He smacks it again.

"Leave me alone!" I shout. He places a bruising kiss on my lips and backs me into a tree. I squirm and struggle under him.

He smacks me, "Stop struggling." I immediately went to that dark place, the area where I succumb. My mind went blank and I think I scream. My vision blurred as my body went limp and numb. I didn't hear the loud growl or feel the weight being pulled off my body. I didn't hear the screams of terror and the blows. I didn't see a fight between two males, I saw blur.

A blurred figure ran up to me and shook me. "Angel? Angel, wake up!" the voice sounded as if it was underwater. The sky tumbled down as I fall to the floor. The figure grabs me and turns me over. I felt water droplets fall on my cheeks.

"Angel.." the voice faded away. I could feel my eyes roll back and succumbed to a pit of never ending black.


I ran.

I clung Jess on me as I ran through the woods. I ran and ran. Carter and other wolves tried to talk, but I left them in the dust. I ran until we made it to our room. I slammed the door and placed Jess on the bed. Her body was limp and her body was covered in chills and she shivered. My heart was breaking, I hated seeing Angel like this.

I should've just left her alone. I went too far asking her for answers. I paced around the room.

But, all I wanted to know is was if she was alright. She seemed tense and anxious. She's my mate, and I want her to be fine. Ni, not fine. Exceptional.


Luke? Is that you?

No, it's Amy.

Amy? Wait, Jess, is she alright?

Dallas, I have something to tell you.

I froze. What is it?

Well, do you remember when you first met Jess? While you were both in Peter's dungeon?

Yeah, why?

During her captivity, Peter had multiple of his officers touch her. And, well, rape her.

My heart filled with anger and resentment. No one dare touches my Angel. WHAT?!

She didn't want to tell you. It's also the reason why you haven't started a family. She's afraid that you might...

Oh, my poor poor Angel. I look at her. Her eyes were still closed and she was curled into a ball. I walked over to her, "Oh Angel. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you. You mean way to much to me. He's gone and his men are dead. If they come close to you, I'll personally kill them. Angel, please wake up. I love you.." I kiss her forehead and walk away.

"I love you, too," a faint voice whispers.

I turn to see Jess with her eyes open, and her body shifted around. Tears were in her eyes, "I'm sorry."

I sat next to her and held her head on my chest, "No, Angel I'm sorry. I overstepped your boundaries. I made a mistake. You can tell me when you're ready."

We sat there for a while before she says, "Dallas?"


"When I tell you, don't get mad."

I peck her cheek, "Never Angel. Never at you."

She takes a deep shaky breath, "Peter k-killed my baby.."

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