The first day - part II

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Izzy saw Jace and Clary leave and turned to Simon who was eating like he was starved.

'Where are they going?' She asked.

Simon grabbed her hand and told her not to worry but she had never seen Jace and Clary behave like that before. It was extremely awkward.

'Hi!' She said to Magnus and Alec who were joining them.'Have you guys noticed anything odd about Jace and Clary?'

'Where do I start?' Said Magnus. Alec said nothing but just rolled his eyes at him.

The cafeteria was getting quite busy now and Izzy decided that she wanted to go outside. Magnus agreed and they both pulled their boyfriends out of their seats and left.

Once outside they saw Jace and Clary kissing.

'Was this the odd thing I was supposed to notice?' Said Magnus. ' Because if it is I think we need to have THE talk.'

Alec decided that it was better to just ignore Magnus's sarcastic comments.

And followed his boyfriend to the nearest bench. As soon as he tried to sit down, Magnus pulled him in his lap. While grinning at Alec.

Alec thought it would be better to ignore this to because otherwise his boyfriend would definitely find a way to embarrass him further.

The rest of the break went by quietly and soon the had to go to their last period: history for Clary and Magnus and the others had french.

When Clary took a seat at the front Magnus dived in next to her.

'What's up with you and Jace? I could practically feel the tension between the two of you. You know you can come to me right? I'm 400 years old, I'm pretty sure I can give you good advice.'

'Nothing.. I - just he I. We're fine now.'
She finally utterd.

Magnus didn't take this for a answer but decided to wait till class was over to ask more, because of the glares he got from everyone in his class.

Magnus looked really bored and took out his phone to text someone, what was completely understandable because he had been there when the industrial revolution took place.

Clary normally thought history to be interesting, but today she just wanted to come home.

After school Magnus decided it would be fun to go hang at the mall for a while, since they didn't have any homework anyway.

As they walked into the mall, Magnus dragged the helpless Alec off to the nearest clothes shop. Izzy and Clary rushed after them, what left Jace and Simon to 'bond'.

Simon didn't particularly mind Jace, but he didn't really want to spend time with him either.

They saw Magnus holding all kind of shirts for Alec and they knew it was to see which one matched his eyes best.

They finally stopped staring and decided that they didn't want to go shopping with their girlfriends, so they went to the dojo to train.

When they finally gathered around the car Jace and Simon were some muscle and Magnus, Alec, Clary and Izzy were alot of bags richer.

They, to Alec's surprise, managed to put all of the bags in the back of the car and were ready to go.

On the way home there was the usual chatter about how school had been and about the surprise visits from Magnus's friends, Tessa also managed to stop by. Next where some discussions about celebs, so Alec was glad when they finally arrived and he and Magnus were alone.

'How was your day Alexander?'

'Good. Yours?'

'Perfect. I got to spend even more time with my beautiful boyfriend than before.'

Alec felt a blush crawling unto his cheeks and turned away from Magnus.

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