Trouble aftermath

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In the next chapter there will be Malec trouble, if all goes to plan, but that probably won't happen because my planning got fucked up from the start. I also just wanted to say I've a poll about this story, so it would be lovely if you could just go and vote. It is about which character / relationship you want to see more.


Simon had only said hey to her and she already could feel her tear up. She managed to keep her voice steady, but she knew Simon could see through her mask.

She felt so relieved she had finally someone to cry to. She knew she always could talk to Jace, Alec, Magnus or Clary, but it just felt different. She felt like she always needed to contain herself. Simon didn't have any expectations. He just loved her and always would keep on loving her.

She fell asleep late that night, but she felt better after talking to Simon.

The next morning was a morning like any else. Magnus and Jace were fighting while making breakfast and Alec was somehow caught in between.

Alec had clearly refused to do something Jace said.

'Come on big bro, please?'

'No, I'm tired. Do it yourself if you're that hungry.'

'Why not? You would do it for Maggie!'

'Because I'm not your bitch, I told you that before.'

Suddenly Magnus stood next to them in the room.

'Nobody calls me nicknames except for Alec. You do remember I'm a 800 year old warlock with the power to kill you in the blink of an eye, don't you? What's going on that requires you calling me nicknames?'

'Alec won't make me a sandwich.' Jace pouted.

Magnus sat down and didn't bother getting into this argument more.

After a while he couldn't help himself and asked: 'Sweetie would you make me a sandwich.'

'Of course, what kind of sandwich do you want?'

They both grinned while Jace looked astonished and concluded: 'So you are his bitch.'

Alec finally gave in and made 2 sandwiches, what caused Jace to smirk to Magnus.

They went over their plans for the day. They had to pack today, but no one really felt like it, so they put it off as much as possible.

Lucky for them the helicopter ride to New York didn't take long. They had the whole evening free, if shadowhunters ever had spare time.

Magnus had decided they needed to get really drunk after what had happened, that is why he invited 'some' of his friends and planned a 'small' party.

Next time (probably in a couple of hours): the party and Malec drama (I think), Im sorry this is so short.

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