to be continued....

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Alec felt Magnus's hand reassuringly in his hand. He felt so happy to reexperience the familiar feeling. They had decided to immediately head to the institute, as Izzy was probably waiting inpatiently and Magnus really needed to apologise for his behaviour the other day. Even though he had been in a bad mood, he shouldn't have called her a bitch, when she had received him so lovingly in their little family.
They saw Izzy quickly. She was sitting in the living room, cuddling up with Simon.

Izzy saw a look of disgust on his face, but she couldn't help feeling glad that her old brother seemed to have returned.

'I see you made up?'

See stared at their entangled fingers.

Alec smile brightened, if that was even possible at this point.

'Hey I just wanted to say sorry about last time. I shouldn't have called you a bitch, when you were just being all cute protective of your little brother.'

He winked at Alec.

Izzy smiled.

'Don't worry, I would be quite moody too I broke up with a hunk like Alec.'

She ruffled his hair.

Magnus loved to watch their brother-sister love it was adorable. When he was younger he wished he had a sibling like that. He thought he got over it but he still wanted someone like that. He had people who he treated as family, like Tessa and Alec, but it would never be the same.

'I'm just glad you made up, Alec was so sad. But if you hurt him once more, I swear I'll tear you apart limb by limb.'

Her tone turned from relief to threatening in a blink of an eye. And it was frankly kind of scaring.

Magnus smiled at Izzy. 'I promise I won't. Never again.'

He flinched at the word never, that suggested that there would be a lot more than one lifetime. He used it so much, but he never realised how big the content of that word actually was.

Alec saw that Magnus flinched and tightened his grip on Magnus's hand.

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