Chapter 19

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Hii, again it would be nice if you would review and vote on my poll. I also started a new story it would be cool if you'd check it out.

Alec felt his heart race, when he walked up to Magnus's front door. He moved his hand up to ring the bell, but suddenly started doubting his decision to come here.

For a demon slayer he sure had his weak moments sometimes. He hadn't decided yet and his hand hung mid-air, when Magnus opened the front door. Alec felt stupid and quickly let his arm fall.

He know how stupid he must look right now. He just can't stop staring at the beautiful face, he thought he was never going to see again. Magnus looked at Alec expecting him to see something.

They stood in silence for a few more minutes, but it felt like hours for Alec. Finally Magnus shifted, so Alec could walk past him, up the stairs.

Alec's heart couldn't stop racing. He felt the distance between him and Magnus. He thought about the time when they had been so close, that they spent at least 14 hours a day together. How he had felt the last time he had been here. The soul crushing sadness.

He sat down on the couch, were they had had their first hot make out session. Alec blushed at the thought.

Magnus snapped up two coffees.

'So...' He said.

Alec didn't respond. He felt uncomfortable by the distance between them. He looked at Magnus's arms and remembered their warmth.

He suddenly started pouring his heart out.

'I know I won't be the last person you will love, but please love me for the time we have left. And remember me.'

Alec looked up at Magnus with his big blue eyes, in which Magnus just wanted to drown. He felt tears running down his cheeks at the mere thought about ever losing his blue eyed wonder. He didn't know how to respond. He couldn't promise Alec that there wasn't going to be another one.

He finally responded.

'You might not be my last, but there will certainly be no one else like you. Never.'

'I don't want to feel like one of ... I want to be the one.' Alec sobbed even harder

He sat down at the couch next to Alec. He put his arms around him.

'You'll never by just one of many. You are so special to me.'

He kissed Alec's wet cheeks and suddenly it was all okay. Everything was falling in its place. This was how it was supposed to be. Alec in Magnus's arms.

'I'm sorry. I should have trusted you.' Whispered Alec while he sobbed and leaned into the crook of Magnus's head.

Magnus could feel his shirt becoming wet, but he couldn't care. Alec was here.

'I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have acted like such a baby. We're lucky that your siblings are so annoying.'

Alec grinned. He knew he had to thank his siblings for this, but he wasn't looking forward to admitting he was wrong.

I probably will update later tonight, but I just wanted to make sure you guys knew it was going to be okay.

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