The holiday part II

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Warning: SMUT

After diving was the couple yoga. Magnus was looking extremely forward to it. He was feeling a bit stiff, so this was the perfect way to solve it and he got to spend more time with Alec.

Alec and Magnus got to their room to change into their yoga gear.

Magnus walked over to the stereo that was set up in their room and browsed for a nice station. He suddenly stopped turning the button and a loud noise suddenly filled the room.

I know that we are young
And I know that you may love me
But I just can't be with you like this anymore

Magnus dramatically dances while singing the lyrics and walking over to Alec. Alec hated when his siblings used this song to tease him, but he kind of liked the roll Magnus voice gave to it. He wondered how he could have gotten so lucky to get a guy who is goodlooking, creative, fashionable, kind, romantic and can also sing quite well.

Alec blushed when he thought of some other things that Magnus was quite good in and quickly turned away to go and grab his grey sweatpants and a tight black tanktop. He changed rapidly while Magnus admired the way this tank top showed of Alec's biceps.


The yoga class started at 3.15 pm, but since Magnus was nog quite content with the first outfit he had on, he had to change and they were running late as always.

Alec tried to get mad at Magnus for it, but then Magnus had pouted, and Alec just couldn't stay mad at that adorable face.

The first pose was an easy one. They just had to meditate for a while with their breathing pattern alined. Alec saw that Izzy paired up with the instructor.

The next pose was getting more difficult. They had to stand up, lean with their backs toward each other, intertwine their arms and the one had to pull the other on his back.

Alec decided to be the base of this pose. He was the tallest and the heaviest, so it made sense to him.

He pulled Magnus on his back easily. Magnus and Alec saw Izzy trying to take the instructor on her back. It caused them both to break down in laughter and soon the both fell down, still laughing at the hilarious sight.

The yoga instructor looked embarrased and they moved on to the next pose, a broad smile still covered their faces.


Alec was glad that the yoga class was over, for he could not bear to see Magnus any longer in those tight yoga pants.

So as soon as the class ended he pulled Magnus away from the others and rushed to their room. Magnus couldn't quite keep up with the trained shadowhunter and was panted as they finally reached their room.

When they finally entered their room, Alec started kissing Magnus and he grabbed Magnus's tight ass. Oh God did it look amazing in those pants.

Magnus let Alec take control, as it did not happen often so he had to treasure those small hot moments.

Alec pushed Magnus down on the bed and grabbed Magnus's wrists tight, wrapping a thin rope around them.

'Don't even think about touching anything. And no magic either.' Alec said sternly.

Magnus looked disappointed. He always liked the way Alec's body trembled beneath his touch and how he shivered even more when he just added that little spark of magic. But he liked the controlling, dominant side of Alec too and he knew disobeying this side of Alec wouldn't do him any good..

Alec teared Magnus's shirt of, but Magnus was to aroused to mind it. He would punish Alec for that later. Alec kissed the newly revealed skin. Magnus grasped the sheets in response.

Alec took this as a sign to continue and went lower and lower, stopping right above the area that so despertaly needed his touch.

'Stop .. teasing ...' Magnus moaned.

'If only I could, but you just look to adorable like this.' Alec smirked.

He finally gave in a little and pecked the head, licked once across the side, before taking it in whole.

Magnus almost screamed at the sudden granting of his wish. He moved his hips up to let Alec take him in deeper if that was even possible.

Alec couldn't contain himself anymore and yanked his boyfriends yoga pants of entirely and started to rub Magnus's hole, but didn't quite push in.

Magnus pushed himself on Alec's finger, longing for his touch. Alec soon added a second and a third finger. Then he grabbed the bottle of lube that already stood on their nightstand, preparing his length.

He pushed in and held still for a while, letting his boyfriend adjust. Clearly that wasn't necessary, as Magnus started pushing himself down on him, as best as he could while being tight up and begged for more.

They both soon finished and then went into the bathroom to clean themselfs from the sticky mess the made.

I thought i should mention that the song in this chapter is called Alejandro from Lady Gaga if you've lived under a stone for the past couple of years or so. I thought it might be fun to use this song, because Lady Gaga seems like a singer Magnus would like and Alejandro and Alexander sound alike.

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