The treasure hunt

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When they finally saw the flowers Magnus had been looking for they saw another envelope with a rose drawn on it. Magnus ripped the envelope open and read it out aloud.

You did well. I challenge you. Your next clue will be hidden under the masks of youth, for it will yet be our future.

Magnus put the letter down and sighed. This challenge was certainly a lot harder than the other one.

Then suddenly Alec got it.

'This was a tattoo Jace and I once wanted to get. Our past and future intertwined. We probably should go see Jace if we want to find out who did this.'

Magnus grabbed Alec's arm and together the ran up the flight of stairs. Alec wanted to mention to Magnus that there was an elevator, so they didn't have to run, but Magnus looked cute when he was all excited.

Once they saw Jace they asked them if he saw the clue. He said Izzy asked him to tell them some shady shit, but that he already had forgotten what it was, so they probably should go and ask her if they wanted to know what it was.

'Of course it was Izzy. She probably was bored again, because Simon isn't here.' Alec let out and exaggerated sigh and turned around to walk away, when suddenly Magnus grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

'We should see if she really has something important to say to us.'

'But I don't want to.' Alec whined.

Magnus kissed him and then just pulled him away from Jace's room. Together they headed to Izzy's.

When they saw the smirk on Izzy's face they knew for certain that she was behind all of this.

'You already completed the treasure hunt I laid out for you? You are certainly quick.'

'What was the treasure?' Alec asked dumbfounded.

Izzy replied, sounding offended: 'Me of course!'

'So you had nothing useful to say to us?'

'Not really.'

Alec turned around and pulled Magnus with him.

Magnus, Jace, Clary, Izzy and Alec decided to just stay in for the rest of the day and watch a movie. Since their parents canceled their dinner, to go to a emergency clave meeting. Magnus knew this happened alot but that Alec never got used to it. He put his hand on Alec's for the little bit of comfort that he could offer him in this situation.

Watching a movie turned out to be a not that smart idea, because Izzy and Magnus were now arguing with Jace about which movie they should watch.

Since Jace had started dating Clary he started watching more movies and now he acted like he was a pro movie watcher, if that was a thing.

Jace started teasing Magnus by saying that he wanted to watch Harry Potter. But they finally settled for watching the new episodes of orange is the new black.

Alec didn't even know what they were rambling on about. He watched movies and series with Magnus, but when he did he never paid much attention to the screen. But how could he when he had something so beautiful right in front of him.

Magnus took a seat on his lap and Alec snuggled his head in the crook of Magnus's neck in response.

He heard that Jace made gagging noises, but he didn't mind. He was just focused on being cuddled up with Magnus, feeling every inch of their skin touch.

When they had watched 5 episodes of orange is the new black, ate 4 pizzas and 2 bags of crisps, they decided that it was time to go skinny dipping in the pool.

At least Magnus decided it was time for skinny dipping, and Alec had looked disgusted by the thought of seeing his siblings naked. Of course he had seen them naked before, but that was when they were very young.

The others agreed, but they wanted to keep at least their underwear. Luckily for Alec, Magnus had today his quite normal underwear day and he just wore his moss green boxers.

They got outside and rapidly dived into the pool, as it was already cold outside.

Magnus wrapped his legs around Alec's waist and started to kiss his lips, earlobes, and neck. Alec had gotten a little bit used to Magnus PDA's as Izzy called it, but he still got a blush to redden his cheeks.

Magnus saw that Izzy gave him a thumbs up. He liked how much Izzy shipped them, it was fun. But he also knew that if he even tried thinking about hurting Alec, he would pay dearly.

He liked that about Izzy and Alec's bond. It was so strong, that they would die for each other. Not in a parabatai way, but still. It was something he never had and he couldn't help but feel a sharp pain. Luckily Alec's shy kisses helped to heal that stabbing pain.

When they got out he saw that Alec had a little problem, although he certainly wouldn't call it little. He smirked and handed him a towel, before heading off to their room

PDA = public displays of affection Don't worry some trouble is certainly coming their way ;)

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