Chapter 17

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Review if you have requests or ideas for some new short stories, I thought that would be fun.

Alec was thinking about why he stopped Jace and Izzy. Didn't he want Magnus to feel something. Feel at least a little bit like the way he was feeling now? But he just couldn't let them hurt him. He still loved him so much. It was impossible to stop. The way his eyes sparkled with life, even after living for so long, his kindness even his imperfections, he loved them all.

But Magnus clearly didn't feel the same way about him. And he had to somehow life with that. He broke down again.

After half an hour of crying, he finally managed to get up. He walked into the living room, where Simon, Izzy, Clary and Jace sat. They were all very lovey-dovey. Although as soon as they saw him they distanced themselves. He told them that it was okay, but they didn't listen to them.

Izzy saw her brother's red eyes and swore to kill Magnus once over again.

Alec sat down and they silently watched a couple of movies together. It managed to distract him a little, but when Simon decided they just had to watch Harry Potter, because magic ruled, he couldn't get Magnus out of his head again.

He smiled when Izzy poked her elbow in Simon's ribcage. Simon looked astonished, as if he didn't knew what he had done wrong this time (what he probably didn't). He got up and decided he needed closure. He needed one more talk with Magnus.

Magnus remembered the last time he loved a mortal. She was called Etta. Oo how much he had loved her. But she started getting old and felt more self-conscience, she started forgetting things. In the end he couldn't even bear visiting her. It hurt too much to look at the shell of a woman he once loved so much. He didn't want this to happen to Alec. He wanted to settle down forever. He couldn't get hurt again.

Suddenly he heard the bell ring. He ran to the door. It was who he had hoped to find there: Alec.

'Alec... I ..'

'Don't start. I'm just here for closure.'

He saw the saddened look on Magnus face and he realized how stupid it was to come her. This wasn't going to help. He wanted to walk to the door, but Magnus got hold of his arm.

'Just give me 2 minutes. I have to explain.'

Alec still couldn't refuse Magnus. It made him feel weak. He sat back down.

'I told you my father wanted to drown me.' Magnus didn't wait for confirmation, but treasured the two full minutes he was given. 'and I was saved by my neighbour.'

He hesitated before telling the next part. What if he exposed his heart and Alec still wouldn't forgive him? He decided to take the leap.

'Well she was my neighbour. Back in 1600 people were way closer than they are now. It was normal to kiss someone on the mouth. She stuck to a tradition.'

He looked expectantly to Alec. Alec looked relieved, but then he remembered what he heard from Clary.

'But.. what about the rumours?'

Magnus looked surprised. He had expected quite a different reaction.

'What rumours?'

'About you seeing each other.'

'It is true we dated a while in Indonesia and I met up with her a couple weeks ago, but I have no interest in her whatsoever.'

Alec was so relieved and leaned in to kiss Magnus. Magnus kissed Alec's lips, and felt Alec's hands sliding down the curve of his back. Alec hesitated. Magnus responded and pulled Alec's hands slowly over his ass. Then he remembered.

'We need to talk.'

'About what?'

'This isn't going to work. I shouldn't have kissed you.'

Alec opened his mouth to say something, but Magnus stopped him.

'No. Let me talk. We can't have a fight every time a person of my past shows up. You need to trust me.'

'Maybe I could trust you if not every person from your past has slept with you.' The words were out before he thought about them. He instantly regretted saying anything, when he saw the wounded expression on Magnus's face.

'Please get out.' Magnus said with a weak voice.

Alec knew that if he wouldn't go Magnus would just portal of to somewhere. He tried to convince Magnus to talk to him again and said that he didn't mean it. It was all with no end. He stood in front of Magnus's apartment and he realized he was even less over Magnus than he was before.

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