The Meeting

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I said yes. It didn't take me a second to think about it. My father and elders all agreed marrying Nessie would be the best option to provide the best protection for Nessie and the Cullens. The bond would also strengthen our pact.

I didn't care what I had to do as long as it meant being able to protect Nessie. Now I just had to get Nessie to agree. She would understand especially after being attacked by the bear. She knew there was true danger now.

During the meeting, I found out the boy belonged to the Saulteaux tribe. Just like the Quileute tribe, they were shape shifters. My father knew several of the elders from the tribe, but it had been such a long time since they last spoke. The Saulteaux were from eastern British Columbia which was quite a distance from La Push. Why the kid was in La Push was puzzling, but Sam and Quil would head out to British Columbia to deliver the body and speak with the Saulteaux tribe.

I had insisted on going but Billy wouldn't allow it. He feared they would be upset since it was me that had murdered their own. Since we were not familiar with their ways, it was best that I stay behind. At least I would be able to protect Nessie. I didn't feel comfortable leaving her behind anyways.

Our pack and the elders argued about the best course moving forward. We were sure the kid was not alone, but how many were with him, we weren't sure. If he saw Nessie, then surely he would have communicated with the rest of his pack that he spotted a cold one. They had to be tracking him since he had been missing for the whole day now. Yet, he was here with our pack. Lying motionless.

This death didn't agree with me. It was self-defense and to protect Nessie, but a kid? He reminded me of Seth. Was he childish like Seth or more mature? How would his parents feel? I tried not to think about it too much, but it affected me more than I had anticipated.

Sam's hand on my shoulder startled me.

"Daydreaming much?"

"I'm trying to justify what I did to this kid. I don't know if I will ever be able to justify it."

"Jacob, I'm not going to repeat myself. You did what was necessary. What's done is done. Now we have to rectify this somehow. We'll see what the elders have to say. Otherwise, congratulations, you're going to get married."

"Yeah, thanks." So how do I explain this to Nessie without setting her off?


I'm looking up at Nessie. She did not take that news well. Maybe I should have gotten down on one knee? I never thought her to be the romantic type, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe she does want a ring and the knee. Shit. Everything was happening so fast, I didn't even think about making this proper.

I grabbed her hands and walked towards the cottage.

"Where are you taking me, Jacob?"

"To your parents. I'm going to ask for their blessing."

"You can't! This idea is not going to work with my parents. We barely shared a kiss, and now you're ready to get married?"

I stopped myself short and she ran right into me. I let go of her hand and turned myself around. I placed both my hands on her arms, and stared into her eyes.

"Nessie, I've been wanting this marriage even before I murdered this kid, even before we shared our first kiss. It's not because of all these events that happened that makes me want to marry you. I'm trying to make sense of all this, but I don't have the time and patience anymore. If marrying you means you'll have a hundred thousand more protection, then so be it, I'll take you as my wife right now!"

Night and Day - Twilight Saga - Jacob and RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now