Questions and More Questions

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I didn't hesitate and grabbed her hand and walked pass Aro. We went down the stairs and started to leave the ball. Nessie kept calling my name, but my ears shut off her plea with me. We walked passed Edward and Bella, and they both had worried looks on their faces. I was not going to stop to speak with them. Edward had already read what was in Nessie's mind. Bella asked Edward what was going on and he whispered the news into Bella's ear. I heard her gasp, but didn't care to discuss it with them now.

We waltzed passed everyone and went through the entrance doors. I handed my ticket to the valet service boy. He rushed after seeing the look on my face that I was in a rush.

"Jacob, what about everyone else?"

"You are my only concern at this moment."

"Jacob Black!"

"Nessie, I'm not going to discuss this now! We are heading back to our room and leaving this country tonight!"

I had to lower my voice because I didn't want to cause a scene, but my frustration with Nessie's stubbornness right now was like pouring gasoline into an already open fire. I had to control my temperature.

"Jacob, why are you in such a rush?"

"I'm sorry, but my wife just exposed her pregnancy to Aro who is probably devising a plan to steal the two most important things in my life right now."

She was silent for a moment and kept her eyes locked on me.

"So you're not upset that I'm pregnant?"

This woman was maddening! Did she think I was some sort of monster? I gently placed my hands on her face and composed myself so I could assure her.

"Nessie, why would I be upset?"

Something came over me and I started laughing. I couldn't stop grinning. She just gifted me the most miraculous thing. I couldn't possibly be upset with her.

"I'm sorry, Jacob. I didn't find out until right before the ball. I was going to tell you, but you walked in and kissed me then left me standing there and went into the shower."

"Mrs. Black, as I recall, you were tempting me with the strawberry. Have you forgotten our last venture with the strawberry? There are still plenty of strawberries back in our room, and I plan on sharing them with you tonight."

I planted a soft kiss on her lips and pulled her in closer to me.

"Nessie, as your husband, my life is to protect you, and I intend to do that. Now I have another responsibility to protect our child, and I couldn't ask for a more perfect life."

The valet boy finally pulled up with our vehicle. I opened the door for Nessie, and we headed back to our room though it wasn't sleep that I was looking forward to with her tonight.

Several hours had passed when we left the ball, and we decided to relax on the bed and discuss everything from names to responsibilities. It was thrilling to know we were moving forward with our journey. Yet, I was nervous about the pregnancy and delivery. I remembered Bella's ordeal all too well. It felt like a torch was thrown at us, and we weren't able to extinguish out the fire. Somehow Bella pulled through with the help of Edward. I never wanted to be endure what Edward lived through.

The sunrise broke through the grey clouds and the sun rays pierced through the window. Nessie's skin sent a million reflections of light throughout the room. I've never seen anything more mesmerizing.

"I guess pregnancy does make you glow."

We both laughed and were interrupted with a knocking on the door. I don't remember ordering breakfast, but maybe it was preordered for all guests. I went to open the door and it was Edward and Bella. They probably wanted to congratulate Nessie, but their facial expression projected concern more than celebration.

Night and Day - Twilight Saga - Jacob and RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now