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*****Nessie's POV*****

I rested my head on Jacob's chest. He smelled so enticing, and the warmth from his bare skin always comforted me. My eyes were getting heavy but I forced myself to stay awake. He was apologizing to me, and I didn't have the strength to reply back. I dozed off and fear overcame me as I knew the unexpected would arrive without my knowledge.

I woke up and found myself outside. I immediately knew it wasn't La Push, and I was in a dream. It was evening, and the only source of light was from the bright blue moon. Yet, it wasn't dark for the light reflected against the white blanket of snow and ice all around me.

I could hear screams in the background and what sounded like horses. I followed the sound and opened my mouth at what I was witnessing.

There was a battle going on with hundreds of dead bodies all around the ground. Even the fallen horses were trying to get up as their rider had tragically laid dead. So much blood everywhere, and my senses could smell the fresh blood. I've never had fresh blood before except the one time I had to drink from Jacob. It was a different taste, and I had craved it enormously, especially Jacob's. But I learned to curve that thirst the more I was with him. However, this bloody smell all around me seemed toxic to my senses.

After walking around the dead bodies, I found myself closer to a few soldiers still in battle. A lone soldier was in battle against three other soldiers. The lone soldier seemed at a disadvantage but he was quick and fierce, and made the fight appear like a game that he easily won already. However, he was too quick to celebrate as his back was turned for a split second thinking he attacked all three soldiers when a fourth one came out of nowhere and lunged for him. Unexpectedly, an arrow stroked the attacker straight through his head. The lone soldier swiftly turned around and was baffled at his own lack of attention. He stared at the soldier on the horse who momentously saved him. The oddity of it was they looked to be on opposing sides with the lone soldier cloaked in fur and leather, and the soldier on the horse covered in dark metal and leather. Why would he help the lone soldier?

Within a minute, a herd of soldiers clearly from the lone soldier's side came rushing to his aid. They knocked down the rider to the ground. As the soldiers were about to take a sword into the heart of the rider, the lone soldier screamed. It wasn't a dialect I knew, but somehow it all translated for me as so I could understand the dream.

All the soldiers were puzzled and halted, but it was clear the lone soldier had ranking over them as they stepped away from the rider. As the lone soldier walked over to the rider he removed his fur hat and mask, and I gasped at what I saw.

It was me. I was the lone soldier. My eyes squinted, so I could try to focus on her. All the features were there. I wanted to wake up from my dream, but I felt the urge to keep on watching everything unfold.

She walked up to the rider and pulled out her knife and placed it under his neck. She motioned the knife as to cut his neck, and I turned my head not wanting to see this gruesome death. There was no scream from the rider. I looked again and instead she had cut his string that tied the rider's mask. She peeled off his mask, and my world seemed to understandably acknowledge everything I thought I had known.

Steven was the rider.

He looked different with longer hair and his facial hair was untouched. He was dirty and sweaty from the battle, but you could tell it was him by looking at his eyes. He kept staring at her, and wouldn't look at anyone else. She seemed pulled to him also, but her posture changed once she realized she was gazing too long at him.

He finally spoke, "The great Princess Angara. It was an honor to have saved your life."

She didn't look pleased with his answer and with one swift move; she knocked him out with the handle of the blade she held in her hand.

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