The Menace

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That evening was a solemn one between Nessie and me. Neither one of us knew what to say. She laid Ephraim to sleep in his crib. Nessie still insisted on keeping Ephraim's crib in our room, and I didn't hesitate with her. I wanted her and Ephraim both close to me until we knew what would materialize with Rose and Aro.

As we laid in bed, Nessie held on to me with all her strength. I brushed her hair with my hands and gently placed my lips on her forehead. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. I didn't want to exhaust her with more talk about Rose and Ephraim. Instead to try and ease her, I massaged her wherever my hands trailed along her body. She moaned with satisfaction at each touch. She lifted her face and gave me a passionate look.

"You know, Jacob, if you're trying to seduce me; it's working." Her warm lips met with mine and I couldn't help but respond back to her. I missed her desperation for my touch. My body ached at the simple traces of her fingertips against my skin.

"I wasn't trying to seduce you. I was trying to comfort you, so you won't have to burden yourself with everything that's going on. Let me carry that stress for you, Nessie."

She placed her hand on my face and traced my lips with her thumb. She leaned forward and kissed me again. We were desperate and hungry for each other. She placed herself on top of me and pulled away. I came forward to finish what she started, but she stopped me by placing her fingertip on my lips.

"Jacob Black. I will not allow you to take all this stress on your own. I'm a part of you and you're a part of me. We share each other's burden now and forever, and if you agree with me, then we will move forward with some intense lovemaking right now."

I couldn't believe her. This woman was insane and I loved her for it. "Using sex as manipulation to get what you want? I believe that's sexual harassment, Mrs. Jacob Black." I flipped her off of me and pinned her below me. I pressed down on her lips hard, almost bruising her lips. She needed to know that I didn't agree with this game she was playing. She let out her infectious laugh while I held her wrists down above her head.

"Does this mean we won't be moving forward with the intense lovemaking, Mr. Jacob Black?"

"Oh, I intend to take you, wife. I also intend to forbid you from using sex to gain power. You know I will do everything in my power to protect you and Ephraim. I agree to disagree with you now, but at this very moment, I plan on claiming you now because it's been too long and I've been too patient with you."

This time I showed sincerity in my kiss to her. I dance and played with her tongue. I was gentle in kissing her everywhere. I missed pleasing her and hearing her moans. My fingers met her between her thighs and I quickly felt how warm and wet she was for me. I knew she missed me with her whimpers each time I massaged my fingers inside her. We both couldn't wait any longer and stripped each other of our clothes.

"I've missed your touch, Nessie. I love you."

"And I too, Jacob. Please take me now."

We found ourselves lost in each other that night, and we made love again making up for lost time. Nessie then fell into a deep sleep as she wrapped her legs around mine and placed her arms across my bare chest. I held onto her hand and studied here delicate fingers one by one. Her hand was soft and warm. As her tiny hand was in my palm, I massaged her hand delicately. I couldn't fathom her going through any more hardship. I felt at fault. Had I let her go, then maybe she would have had the chance at a normal life. But the thought of not having her and Ephraim here with me now caused a sharp aching pain through my chest.

She woke up from my playful touch and squeezed my hand. "Jacob, teasing me again? You really are trying to make up for the past week."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. My mind is trying to process everything that is happening and I can't seem to shut my brain down to sleep." I wrapped my arms around her petite body and kissed her forehead again. "I won't disturb you anymore. Go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

The sun broke through the curtains and Nessie's skin lit up the room. It bounced off the walls and illuminated a picturesque display of lights dancing. I moved her hair that concealed her thick curly lashes. She cracked a smile but didn't open her eyes.

"This is probably the best alarm clock to wake up to, sparkles and all." She still didn't budge. Instead she moved in closer to me and dug her nose into my chest. "Come on. You know we have to go into Forks this morning." I didn't want to remind her. Instead, I wanted to give her more time of these simple moments. She finally tilted her head up and took a deep breath in.

"Okay. I'm up. Let's go."

We arrived at Carlisle's house, and we both noticed Dr. Lee's car was parked in the driveway. She was beginning to be part of the family with all her recent visits. Inside the house, Esme welcomed us. She took Ephraim from Nessie, and nodded her head towards the breakfast table. "I made you some breakfast, so please enjoy it while it's hot. Bella and Edward are on their way over, and Carlisle is in the exam room with Dr. Lee, Rosalie and Emmett."

Esme was always the gracious hostess. "Take a breather, Esme. And thank you for breakfast. You didn't have to." I was famished, however, so I didn't hesitate walking towards the table infested with food. Esme did out do herself this time. Maybe she felt guilt, and this was her way of releasing stress. Nessie was still talking with Esme, so I fixed her a plate piling whatever I could squeeze onto the plate. As I walked towards her, she opened her mouth and gave me a no nonsense look.

"I'm not going to be able to finish that, Jacob." I shrugged my shoulders. She needed to eat because whatever news was coming could possibly hinder her from concentrating on her own health by not eating.

"You need to eat, Nessie. You're nursing." She knew I was right, so she grabbed the plate I handed her. We sat at the table to complete our meal, but before we could finish Carlisle walked out of the exam room. Nessie stood up but remained silent.

"Good morning, Jacob and Renesmee. I'm sure I can skip all the small talk. Dr. Lee is still in the room with Rosalie and Emmett, and it's been confirmed that she is indeed pregnant."

There was silence in the room, but Nessie walked over to Carlisle and hugged him. "I'm so happy for Aunt Rosalie. I mean, I had such mixed emotions at first, but if anyone deserved this, it's Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett."

Nessie turned around and held me tight. She didn't let go, so I held her until she was ready. Before I could react, out of nowhere Edward held onto me so I was immobile. There was a certain unwanted stench that I recognized. My body overheated and I tried with all my strength not to turn into a wolf.

"What the hell is he doing here?" The only words I could mutter out before I regret my next decision.

There he was walking out of the other room. He stared at me and tried not to trigger my temper.

Aro. What menace were the Cullens trying to convey on Nessie and me with Aro's presence?

*******(Don't forget to follow me on YouTube and Instagram at nightanddaytwilight for the videos and images of the characters)*******

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