It's Not Over

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The flight home seemed to extend into forever. However, one advantage of knowing the Cullens was having access to a private jet, so I didn't mind the lengthy flight. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to hold Ephraim in my arms throughout the entire trip. I studied his face and wanted to engrave everything into my memory. His thick coat of hair on his head, his petite nose, the rolls around his wrist and ankles; everything about him was perfect. He took in a deep breath during his sleep, and I caught him with a few smiles. His little crooked smile lit my face up.

Nessie woke up from her nap and saw me studying Ephraim.

"He has your crooked smile, Jacob, and your piercing dark eyes. At least he has my temperament."

"Thanks for the warning."

Nessie jabbed me on the side for my sarcastic comment. I held Ephraim tight and composed my balance, but not before I released a bellowing laugh. I couldn't stop and Nessie was more persistent with each errant laugh. It was liberating sharing this moment with Nessie. I felt whole again having them both beside me. After catching my breath, Nessie leaned over and planted her lips on mine. I responded back and didn't care while everyone watched, but I could sense Nessie's hesitation. It was rare that she would shy away from anything, so it made it harder for me to resist her. It was tempting.

"You both do know we're less than an hour away from home?" Emmett was quick to jest like always.

"Uncle Emmett!" Even Emmett knew how to keep Nessie from being quiet. She never liked this kind of attention. "Will Aunt Rosalie be joining us in Forks?"

"Yeah, she hasn't seen the little tyke yet. You know how she adores babies."

Rose had a lot of admiration for humans and their ability to have a normal life. So she thought it would be best that she and Emmett move to London to assume a normal life, and it nearly broke Nessie's heart. Their relationship was so close growing up. Nessie was the closest thing Rose would get to nurture a child. When Rose heard Nessie was with child, Rose was in more contact with Nessie throughout the pregnancy. Therefore, it was only natural that Rose would be en route to Forks to see Ephraim.

Our route that was supposed to be an hour actually felt like several minutes due to our conversations keeping the flight interesting. Time passed rapidly even during the ride home. We separated from the Cullens and went directly home. Dad never had the chance to meet Ephraim, so I was eager for that reunion. It was late in the evening, but the lights were still on in the house. As I opened the door, my Dad came directly towards us. His eyes watery, but they were directly at Ephraim. I placed Ephraim in his arms, and it was so natural for this moment with grandpa and his grandson. My Dad finally looked up to Nessie and gave her a warm welcome with his arms.

"You and Jacob need to stop with these separations. You're causing this old man to age too quickly."

"I know, Billy. I'm sorry. We'll both work on it." She let out a childish chuckle and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

Setting all jokes aside, we were all exhausted. We said our goodnights to Billy, and then went to our rooms. We didn't even get a chance to sleep in our new rooms yet. Nessie walked into our room and her face was in shock at what she saw. The Italian crib Aro gifted us was against the wall by our bed.

"You kept it?"

"Of course I did. I knew how much you loved it when you first laid eyes on it, so I didn't have the heart to burn it."

"Thank you, Jacob. I'm so fortunate to have an understanding husband. Plus, I'd love to have Ephraim sleep in our room tonight especially after everything that we've been through."

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