Getting Family Back

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We arrived back at the villa and the sun hadn't risen yet. Sam and Edward helped me into bed, and Carlisle immediately came to see the damage I generated on my arm and shoulders. He let out a small sigh. I could never tell if Carlisle was ever disappointed or if he was just tired of having to always tend to Nessie or me.

"Doesn't look to serious, Jacob. You'll heal in no time. Rest up so you'll be ready for battle if needed."

"I'll be ready, Carlisle. I'm not going to sit out."

He nodded his head and finished cleaning up. Even though he didn't speak his frustration out loud, I could read his body language that he was disappointed in me. Carlisle has always been fair to me, and treated the Quileutes with much respect. I owed it to him to at least be more responsible.

"Thanks, Carlisle, and I'm sorry."

"Jacob, it's fine. We all care about Renesmee and Ephraim too. Soon this will all be over with."

Even though I didn't know if it was true or not, I believed him. I knew this would be over with, but when?

"Carlisle. Ephraim has a gift. He showed it to me."

My words sparked an interest from everyone in the room. Bella and Edward held each other in their arms, waiting patiently for me to explain.

"What is it?"

I explained to them what Ephraim had showed me. He was capable of showing your future to you, if you asked. Thus, Aro was craving this gift since Alice wasn't willing to join the Volturi. However, Ephraim's gift was more powerful since he would be able to show anyone's future regardless of who they were. The critical piece was Ephraim wasn't a vampire since he was able to use his gift with me even though we were protected from vampire's gifts.

Bella asked what most everyone thought.

"If he isn't a vampire, then what is he, Carlisle? You saw his lab results. What does it mean?"

Carlisle's face seemed perplexed. Even he couldn't answer that, but he always knew what to say.

"He's special, Bella, that's all I know what it means. He's your grandson, and something tells me there's more to Ephraim than just that one gift. We'll find out one day."

Could it be true that he have more than one gift? He was barely a few months old, and he already held so much power over us and even Aro. I still wanted to know what Aro saw that had him so captivated by Ephraim. Either way, I wouldn't allow Aro to keep Ephraim for long.

Bena and her men would arrive tomorrow and we would move forward with our plan to rid of Aro once and for all. We didn't tell the plans to Edward in case Aro would pry it out of Edward. Alice had to remain away also, but at least Jasper and Emmett were here. This time it wasn't necessary to round up the vampires to join forces with us. Our numbers with the Salteaux and Quileutes would overtake all the vampires.

That evening I couldn't fall asleep. The anticipation kept me up all night. Sam and the pack kept watch on me so I wouldn't try to escape and visit Nessie and Ephraim. I laid in bed with my arms covering my eyes. My mind shifted to Nessie's face then Ephraim's. Their faces played back and forth while I tossed and turned in bed. I remember I once told Nessie how life was too calm, now I wish it was still true. My eyelids became heavier by the minute and my last thought was on Ephraim and what Carlisle had said about Ephraim. Maybe he had more than one gift.

The open field was filled with blood and bodies of wolves and bears. There were more screams coming from every corner, and I could hear the breaking of ice cold bodies. I ran across the field following the similar scent. My heart was racing, and I didn't know if I was going to make it in time. Nothing was going right. As I'm running up the hill, I finally see them. Nessie and Ephraim. Her face was petrified, but she calmed down when she saw me coming towards them. Right when I reached them, Aro stopped me in my tracks. He grabbed me from behind and crushed my body. I glanced at Nessie and she was screaming out my name. She looked down at Ephraim, then back at me. She mouthed something to me, and I tried my best to listen. She was saying Ephraim's name, then I heard it clearly. "It's Ephraim's vision! It's Ephraim's vision!"

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