Chapter 3 who we are

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    Diana's POV

    The Yeti pushed us into the room there was a HUGE globe with lights. My eyes automaticly fell on a giant bunny that seamed so freakin fermilliar. "You four are the Ghazi's?"said the man that looked like santa. "o my god oh my god oh my god!" screamed Stephonie. "Has she had sugar?" asked a giant bird looking fairy. "tons" she screamed. The boy in the far corner sneakered and the tiny golden man mad weird symbols. Jamie was in deep thougt. I came out if my soft fluffy  room for this? Awsome! "Whats a Ghazi?" asked Jamie with an extreamly confused face. "you are the four Ghazis. You are part human and part guardian." said the old man. " but be for I explain we should introduce our selves."he said. He motion his hand to the people around him. They all filled in line first a guy our age with white hair a blue hoodie juat like the one stephonie has and brown pants.

    Next came THE GIANT BUNNEH! He stood infront of me and smiled. He was like a freakin ninga with a harnes around his waist holding eggs and a strap around his chest that held awsome bomarange things. Then

came a supper tall guy with orange eyes and neatly combed black hair white rock hard features and white skin. Wearing what looked like a Dracula outfit.

   Next was an angle like guy our age with pink eyes but not albino pink and white blonde hair. He had a baby face and wore a white suit with hints of pink and Big white angle wings with a bow in on hand and arrows in a pouch on around him like a stchule. Last was The peacock fairy with what I thought was a feather headdress but noticed it served as hair. She had huge wings that were like a humming bird.

   " These are your guards. they will guard you untill you are a full Ghazi Guardian." said the old man " Im Santa or North. This is Sand man." said the jolly man then pointing to the golden man floating slightly as he sleept." Sandy, Sandy, Wake up!" three little man dropped down and landed on rhetorically floor then smiled at us waving. We all waved back. " The Easter  Bunny or Bunny." he motioned to the giant rabit in front of me. " Your the Easter Bunny tgats so amazing I love rabits I mean there so cute but your like huge and awsome!" I said a little exited then I ran up and huged him. I must have shoked him because it took him a minute to huge me back.

     North cleared husky throat. "Sorry I love Bunnies!" I exclaimed. "The Toothfairy or Tooth." he motioned to the fairy. She flew up to me. "Iv been waiting so long oh and there almost as white as Jack's." she said as she priyed my mouth open and examined my teeth. " Tooth fingers out of mouth." said north. " And our newest editions in the past three years in order iof corse." He said then motioned to the boy playing mincraft with Stephonie in the corner "JACK!"." O sorry we were making a box version of me." he said and Jamie and I giggled at his hot innocents. " Jack was apointed yo be a guardian three years ago and-" Stephonie interrupted. " and saved you all from being ultimately destroyed by the boogyman or aka that asswhole who gives you nightmares." Bri shaped her arm " let me guess ' Just a hunch." said North getting aggravated. She shook her head franticly.

    " Cupid added last year and we still dont know why we need the help nothing has happened." he said pointing to the angle boy as Bri slash her lashes and flipped her hair in exasperation. I rolled my eyes lol. " And last the Pumpkin King." he said motioning to the guy front of Jamie. I swear I know all these people from somewhere else.

   " Wait what do you mean by untill were guardians. Guardians of what? and why do they need to guard us? not that I seriously wouldn't mine." asked Jamie mumbling the last part. "That's the beauty of it." said North." What is." asked Bri, my eyes still on bunny and why the fax fur on my boots I found in my room I woke up in was the same color of his fur. I hope its motioned his. " You can ask questions and get answers." he says. " man in mood said that All of you will soon transform into your guardian form, but it will be hidable by something made by one of you from the heart so that there can be a spell had, but it can not control the first shift and the first will be the slowest." he said."So your saying that we will change appearances but after the first time its controllable?" I ask. "Yes guys will you show them?" All the guardians befor us went back into there line and griped something around there necks. Then thay all were swept in a mini tornado of glitter and put back on the floor. Bunny was now Bruce, Jack was Jack frost, Pumpkin was Hallow, Cupid Camren, and Tooth Tiana. " Ok weres my sharpie I knew I must have snifed it." says Stephonie." That explains a lot!" I say looking at Bri holding Camren's hand. " Wait are they Ghazis too?" I ask. " No we just reversed the spell so that we could find you because when its the first if your fifteenth birthday mounth you all will become Full Ghazis and half Guardians. And when the last turns eighteen you will all be permanently immortal in youth guardian form. And encased Pitch tries anything at all you need your guards" he says stretching as he stands up " Breakfast?" he asks un a sharp Russian  accent. "why not?" we all say at once.

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