Chapter 7

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   Stephanie's POV

  School first class

  I set filling utterly alone now that Jack is helping get things ready for the new guardians' arrival this weekend. To be honest I'm kinda scared, I mean what happens if my guardian form isnt as cool as Diana's. I'm pretty sure she won't turn into a bunny like Bruce but its possible.

     I make small talk with Aja and Madison, the girls that sit behind me and Jack. We all turned when we heard the door shut. Then they looked back to me.

   "Were did she go?" asked Madison to the Aja, she shook her head.  " What?!? Im right here! see!" I made the wildest face possible abduction waved my hands at them. I tried to slap them both on the cheeks, but then in stead of hitting then I did a retarded clap. What the friggin fudge. Then I remembered.

     The change its starting way to early and the  people who don't believe in our guardian can't see us. I look down my hair was down to ny waist and growing fast and it was turning white. I casually swung my bag around my shoulder and when to the door. Ok how am I going to do this without making everyone notice. I reached for the door then tried to turn the handle. No one noticed as I walked out of the class and sprinted down thwarting hallway to the bathroom. That's were we all planed to meet at school if that's were we started changing, and sadly it was. I triped five yards away from the bath room door and landed on all fours. Frost covered the floor and I heard a faint no no no no growing loader coming from behind me I fell on my face as a Diana with bunny legs and ears yells crap as she slides at lightning speed into the bathroom I crawl the rest if the way there.

     "Oh my god!" cried a small girl looking in the mirror with wavy purple hair with pink tips and fairy wings. She turned around and some how we knew it was Bri. She made a triumphant pose. "I changed first." then like it was magic words her cloths bonded and bent riped and formed into a light pink strapy high low dress. She looked down in aw. Then ran to me. "!Extinctions!" she screamed pulling at my hair. "no you retard its real." I said yanking my hair back. I seriously need to keep this put up it literally sweeps the floor.Its white with blue ends. "Were da emo?" I ask talking about Jamie.

    Jamie's POV

   Ok that was weird normaly in math class I'm the first to get called o. because she thinks I'm not paying attention when I am. Gabrial didn't even talk to me and normaly he bugs the crap out of me and Hallow.

   I finally figured out what was wrong when I went to my locker. When the person that has a locker under mine turned around she walked straight threw me. It wasn't like in Ghost. It actually hurt. Like lonelyness walked threw my body. I ran to the bathroom to find my friend. "Took you long enough." Stephanie said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and ran at her in a hug. "what the" she said. " I thought I was dead or a ghost no one would answer me and then Limith walked threw ne and it was like all the pain in the world struck my heart!" I exclaimed to all of them.  Fairy Bri half huged me. "Cupid's left his car and it has one emergence snowgloab. We need to get to the pole." She said we all filled out of the bathroom Stephanie last because she can't seem to control her freez.

     Diana's POV

     We walked swiftly out side and up to Camren's convertible. Stephanie ran and jumped over the car landing half way across the lot. "Wow Im Hitgirl but I can freaken fly. Obviously I couldn't drive I was half bunny Bri threw Jamie the keys as Stephanie and I managed to climb in the back. Stephanie sat trying not to touch anything while putting her six feet of hair in a high pony tail, Bri sat awkwardly trying not to crumple her wings, I somehow managed to sit halfway normal but extremely uncomfortable, and Jamie sat like nothing happened except for slightly longer hair and her eyes were brightening. She cranked the car and pulled out. We drove to a backroad when she finally took the globe from me, told it were to take us, threw it, then we were driving on the milestone leading to the work shop.

       Jamie's POV   

   I parked C's car as carefully as U could with a few slurs from the girls. Hallow ran out to meet me.

    "You can't go in yet." he said in that voice Iv missed allay long. "Why not I told you I didn't want a party-" he cut me off. "I know but befor we go in.." he trailed off walking away, And if course I followed, who wouldn't? He lead me to the back of the workshop. "your already taking me to Disney" I complained. "So. You can receive more than one gift. A new guardian is something to celebrate." He said taking his hand from my eyes. " O my goddness!!!!" I screamed. There in the snow behind Hallow was a wolf cub. "I thought you'd do that." he said as I crouched down to the sleeping worrior. I looked up at him." how did you know I wanted a wolf?" I asked him "North knows everyone's wishes. You just received the biggest gift because Sunday is your birthday." he said as he lead me and my new company keeper to the back door. "Jamie! Look!" they all yelled. Bunny in Bruce form was half way Dr.Whovies with his arm around half Bunny Diana that had on a gray Derpy Hoodie. Jack had on a blue wig holding hands with a purple haired Stephanie as Bri and Camren compared their new winter atire. "What'd Hallow get you?" asked Diana laughing at Bruce as we walked to the cafeteria. I had no idea were Bri and Cupid went, but Jack and Steph probably went to be obnoxious to poor North abduction Sandy. I couldnt help but wonder Were is Tooth?

"she will be here soon." said Hallow " How did you know-" "I can read minds it comes with the package I guess." he explained "were did she go?" I asked. " She could never find her Ghive so now that he's changing it will be easyer to find him." he explained. "I thought only girls were Ghives." You seriously need to get Stephanie to read that book there is a lot in it you need to know," he said like he was a genius, well easyer said when done when Jacks two states away they'll  find a way to goof off.He continued," There are four girls and one boy Ghive. And encased you hadn't noticed we all are spiritually connected to our guard. I must guard you and you must guard me. Who ever believes in me believes in you. He paused in the hallway holding ny hands "we are one."


hope you like it I had a lot from me I felt like I wiped Hallow and I off the map so yea WE'RE STILL HERE anyway everyone's gonna get a chapter to themselves now one by one

Hope you like it please share and coment <3 XD <3

love you guys.

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