Chapter 11

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** Authors note **

   thank you guys so mutch fro the reads follows and votes. when i first started this i seriously didn't hink i would get past chapter 5 btw i just noticed what chapter i was on lol  enjoy snowcones

                Stephanie's POV

      Jack and i landed on a roof top in the middle of Aminty Ville (sorry i couldn't think of anything else) It faced out to a peace of what is a giant lake and behind it was a small clearing that merged into thick woods. Everything was green with a slight hint of brown on the leaves and the smell af fall in the air. Jack and I jumped off the old rickety house.

    "why are we here?" i asked woundering why we were in one of Americas most haunted evil towns.  " you know Hallow and I are close right?" he asked quietly as he searched the edge of the wood line. I knodded, "well befor he was chosen, you know by the moon he lived here." he said moving a few vines and gestured to the house. "he lived there but its so old hes only been a guardian for a year." i ask. That house is so old and ran down. I walked under the opening Jack followed staff in hand. He relaxed " your always chosen befor your a guardian. He was chosen around the mid 1600's." he said pausing as if trying to remember. Then moved forward coming to a trail. We followed it, " what happened?" " well you see to become chosen you have to die a kind of nobel death." he hinted to the story he had told me just a few days befor. He had saved his sister from drowning then drown himself.  "how did he do that?" i seriously wanted to know Hallow was a drama quenn but he realy kept to himself and never realy acted well nobel at all. Hes so shy  and concealled " around that  time was the witch trials, his girlfriend at the time was practicing the arts. Its was in her blood she was compelled to do it by the gods. One day they caught her."

      I gasped, that must have been terable. "in Amity Ville it was highly illigal. They took her to the jail and locked her in the deepist cell. Hallow at the time was a priestess's aprentace. He was one of the first to hear." Jack stopped and looked at me. " he raced in on his horse justt befor she went up in flames. He threw a bucket of water on her then gave a long speech about how every one needed to be exepted and to unite that witchcraft was actualy a religion." i saw sadness rush into Jack's eyes, he squezed my hand tight and we started walking again. " they took no pitty they tied him up. Bible and all, and put him right beside her and burned him as well as she." I could fell something pulling me like gravity. "SHHH- i wasnt suposed to tell you" he walked infrount of me pulling away more vines revealing a beautifull cortyard.

     The grass was bright green with weaping willows lining the wood line. LiIly vines created a lovely canopy taht created an angelic abstract shadows on the grass as the after noon sun shown lazily. Pink, yelllow, and blue daisies were sprinckeled all around and in the middle was a tempel like grave memorial. We inched closer The statue inn the middle was a crying angle , there was a tumb below it. Jack held my hand.

    We were standing directly over the grave now. Jack bent down and moved old flowers from the foot stone.  It read

                                                      Anistasia Angilic RainMcally

                                               cause of death: burnt for witch craft

                                                               1653 - 1667

I wanted to cry a little. The poor girl was only forteen and burned to death. We fell silent, I noticed a bench was behind the statue I hovered over to it to find a sobing Hallow. Puffy, red, tear stined face he looked up at us then hung his head in shame. " Jack I, I tryed I truley did, but he knows of what all I can do." he said slowly with interupted sobs. "it will be ok I promise we will get her back I swear it, first we have to git you to the poles and get a location on them." Jack said with a smile as he sit indian style infrount of Hallow, I sat beside him with a hannd on his trembaling shoulder. I have to turn this around some how git his minnd off of things just for a second to git him to come eith us. I hoped up and hovered above a bed of  snapdragons "his place is beautiful Pumpkin." he loooked up and waalked towards me. "I hope it is it took forever for me to find the grave. I used my powers to do the rest with some help from bunny for the flowers." he smiled to him self " you did fantstic man." jack said as he walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hallow we need to find your love." Jack smiled I put Hallow's hand in mine and we teliported to the poles. "I have to gi used to that" I said falling over as Jack picked me up mid fall.

              Hope you like it i tryed to make it sad please tell me if I succeded ;3

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