Chapter 8

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  Bri's POV

    I stood in a long hallway with tooth at my side."I'm so glad you got fairy wings I've always wanted to teach someone how to fly." she exclaimed excitedly. "gee thanks." I say rolling my eyes at her. She looked st me agrivatedly then said in a calming voice "Just slowly lift up off the ground or youll go up like a sky rocket and hit the ceiling."ending in a laugh. I slowly spred out my arms then my butterfly wing and slowly started making them fluter. My eyes we closed sight and i couldn't feel the ground under my feet but at the same time i felt a twing of freedom. "now bend your legs slightly or you wont be able to walk straight." Tooth said with a laugh. I opened my eyes and did as she said. "wow" I turning arouond to see her. She smiled brightly "now lets go show the others ad see if she is fully a Ghaive yet."she said.

     We both flew as fast as we could down the hallway, I flew directly to cupid spining so he could see my full trainsformation. In addition to earlyer my hair grew down to my waist and i became thiner. "wow"he said in that sweet voice of his. "Do you like it?" I asked landing and tuked a few strands of hair behind my ear. " you look gorgious and If anyone I should know." he said waving his bow at me.I laughed "has everyone 'evolved'yet?" I aasked with air quotes. " All but Jamie and if Stephanie's hair grows anymore shes going to make Rapunzell jealous." He said I laugh when I finally turned around to see my friends.

     The only way I new who Diana was, was because there was a giant girl bunny beside Bunnymund and they were holding hands. Stephanie and Jack were no were in sight and Jamie and Hallow were in the floor playing with her puppy.

" It is time Everyone meet in the globe room." North's voice boomed out followed by inchanted sounds made by Sandy looking around to find Jack and his companion. Cupid Tooth and I raced into the room and waited on everyone else. "hey T um did you ever find your Ghaive?" I asked not remembering seeing him. " O yea You and I are gonna have our work cut out for us." Cupid told me and Tooth scolded him.

     The rest walk in last being North followed by a winny Stephanie and Jack. " But North I've already seen what the speach is please just one more time."she said North mumbled under his breath. Stephanie and Jack stood in the middle of the room facing each other

" But theres one sound that no one knows..." Stephanie sang as Jack almost busted his straight face "But what does the FOX SAY!"

"Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingringeding Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding" they both sang and danced then fell on the floor laughing.

  North looked down and shook his head "Iternity is going to be way to long." he said. Sandy looked at them laughing. "Ok fine but try to keep quite while I explain to the others what is to come." beged North. They grumbled then agreed annd walked to the far corner of the room.

"First lets introduce Mason Jaxx, Tooth's Ghaive. I've already explained everything to him and he has recievedd his book."He explained motioning to a guy that looked like a double of Tooth. "Now all of you but Jamie has transforme completely. On Diana's eighteenth birthday all of you will be as you are nnow permanently."he paused as he noticed Stephanie with a pice of her hair on her upper lip twirling it as North did. North fumed and pointed to a laughing Jack, she stomped away. "Now we wait for Jamie." he said as we all relaxed ad went back to what we were previously doing.

    Diana's POV

   Bunny and I was in my room as he showed me special things I had not noticed before when North's voice boomed threw thew poles. We could not understand what he said so Bunny and I hopped down the hallways towards the globe room I've seriously gotta get used to these legs.

     We found every one gathered in a circle even Stephanie and Jack were taking it seriously. "Hurry Hurry love bunnies it's time." says Tooh with a giant smile as she held Masion's hand. We hopped into the spot they left for us. I realized what had happened. Jamie had finaly transformed. With waist lingth black shinny hair with orange highlights, knee high hundred button boot, a shirt fashioned like a 18th century drees and black jeans that faded orange. She realy didn't change physically exept for bright eyes and fangs.

   "Ok all Ghives line up from first to last transformed." anounced North first was Bri then me Masion, Stephanie then Jamie. " Bri Nickles do you vow to keep you and you friends becoming Ghives and the Prophacy to you're selves and to tend to you duties as Caraline Cupid?" he asked. Bri smiled widly looking back at Cupid he smiled in return she shook her head.He motioned to me "Diana Colly, do you vow to keep you and yout friends becoming Ghives nd the Prophacy to your're selves and to tend to you duties as Burellia Mund?" he asked I looked at bunny he smiled back and motioned to North " I do" I replyed. It went on same speach to each giving use our Ghaive/Guardian names. Next was Masion who was Twilerion Stephanie to Jacklynn Frost and Jamie to Vampire Queen. After the last vow was confurmed he said " Now you all are and untill Burellia is eighteen Ghiaves." at these words Yetes came out of no were and music started playing as every one cheered for the new members little did we know some one the Ghives and Cupid had never meet was also watching and waiting.

     I hope you liked it sorry it took so long I had writers block o n dun dun dun Clifhanger but you can guess nd Diana and Stephanie I changed your last names because I didnt ask if I could use you howl name. Love you guys please vote and comment I love hearing whatever you have to say or anny suggestions on the book or my other book Pirates of the Night       link to the right is a pic of Bri in fairy form but outfit is different and she has the arrows and junk XD

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