Chapter 5

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Jamie's POV

   I was the last to jump down. I jumped then it was like a slip'n'slid then I was catapulted onto a giant mushroom. I stood up and dusted off my hoodie. "Diana what is this?" I asked her. "Were is my sharpies?"asked Stephonie Bri inspected all her pockets. "I wanted to know the same thing and the book said it was my warren." she explained.

"yep that's what I thought." said Stephonie. We both turned around to face them. "Its scientificly proven. We're high." said Bri. "No were not I been to tell you guys something." she said and with that we were off. We came to a huge place were you walked the this gate thing that said "The Hope Of Children Lies In Our Hands" then beyond that was seven doors, one for each continent. "I'm gonna be an Easter Bunny!" exclaimed Diana. Stephonie was smelling all the giant flowers as Bri tried picking one."No no no don't do that! these flowers are were the eggs come from." said Diana then everyone got serious and we all gathered in the top of a giant mushroom. "I'll have to decorate and hide eggs every year do you know how time consuming that will be? Ill be dealing with parishables! If anything gets down here I'm fucked!" yells Diana. "Welp, You already sound like Bruce remember the other day when he freaked out because of that term paper an-" Bri got cut of."Don't any of you understand were going to be in bedtime stories. Well even have to fight pitch and his nightmares along with any other thing out there like I don't know Death!" she was still flipping out. "Wait who's Pitch abduction why do we have to fight him." asked Stephonie. "Pitch is the boogyman. By Jamie's birth day everyone if us will have the responsability of a full Guardian. Then by my 18th birthday we will be immortal. As in 18 forever." she explained. " We have been the chosen ones since the dark ages."

    [Monday morning]

    Stephonie's POV

    I slowly woke up to three gummy bear singing from mt phone. I literaly broke into instant dance mode then Jack bared threw the door staff in hand. " What are you doing we have to go" he said laughing, I thought he might bust a gut. " Go were." I asked. " Humans go to school and last time I checked you are still human." he said trying to stop laughing then ended with that smirk. "Its a holiday weekend" I said turning off my phone. "No its not get dressed we have to leave in like ten minutes." he said walking out and shaking his head. I walked ti my closet and fell on my face hitting the ice Jack left behind.

Better get used to it. I thought to myself as I crawled to my closet. I go in and stand up. My close hang from branches coming out of the wall and a few rakes. I end up picking a white shirt with random words camouflage jeans my jacket and brown fuzzy boots.

   I walked to the cafeteria "hurry your but up were leaving." said Diana as we all went out to Cupid's car." hey C how are we gonna get to Alabama from the pole in forty minutes?" asked Jamie." O that's easy Stephanie should know." says Pumpkin. "Actually...." U trail off. " I can teleport." says Hallow being a show off blinked his eyes and we were ten minutes away from three school behind a Dollar  General. Cupid,Jack, Pump, Tooth, and Bruce all jumped out of the car. They stood hands warped around there necklaces and then tornadoes of gletter  consumed them calmed and there stood the honest guys in school and our best friend.

   [4th period  PE]

   "Jack I won't be able to do that. Fifteen laps, they can't be serious." I say as we line up to run laps. "You can do it. Youll be fine, just have fun instead." he tries to calm me down. "but Jack I have asthma and I forgot my-" I was cut short by the wistel of the coach and I slowly started but kept my place in line behind Jack and never going behind Jamie and Hallow who were side by side right on my heels. It felt like a millennium untill we got done and my heart had climbed into my head and all I could hear was the thump thump against my temple. Jamie mouthed something to me but I couldn't  hear her so I just shook my head yes. We started walking side by side for gym like always they talked ti me with concerned faces yet I could not hear anything untill my head hit the floor and just befor it all went black I heard Jack's voice above the others screaming my name.


hope you like it don't worry Diana and Bri will be back.


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