Chapter Seven

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Ashleigh started to have a strange seizure, her eyes were rolling around. She was screaming and crying she was obviously in pain.

"Ashleigh stay with me." I said.

She stopped writhing on the floor, "Make it stop.'' She moaned.

"Where is the pain?" Jason asked.

"Everywhere." She whisphered.

I grabbed her hand, she was ice cold.

"That thing shot me." She whimpered.

I held her wrist, to check her pulse, but her veins were electric blue. I checked her neck and the veins there were blue as well.

"Holy hell, what is that." I gasped.

Loki pushed Jason aside and glanced at her wrists.

"The frost giants have broken their truce with us. They shall pay for what they've done.''

"What they have done?" I asked him.

"Unless she gets immediate Asgardian treatment she is bound too not survive the next week.''

"Well get immediate treatment.''

"But father has banished me and I couldn't possibly contact him.''

''Then yell to Heimdell.''

"How do know about Heimdell?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters right now is Ashleigh.''

Ashleigh shrieked out in pain.

"What is happening to her?" Jason asked.

"The frost giants weapons are beyond my knowledge but from these injuries I'd say she is slowly freezing from the inside out.'' Loki mumbled.

"You mean like Anna from Frozen, freezing?" I quizzed.


"Never mind.''

He picked her up in his arms, and ran out the door. Jason and I followed suit. Instead of taking the impossibly slow elevator he took the stairs, until he reached the roof. With me hobbling behind him.

"Heimdall open the bifrost.'' He shouted.

Nothing happened.

"Heimdall the frost giants have made an attempt on a Midgardian life.''

That's when the excitement started. A bright rainbow light shone down upon the two of them and once the light disappeared they were gone. Nothing was left except for a norse rune.

"That'll be coming out of my rent.'' I mumbled.

"What in the name of life, just happened?!'' Yelled Jason.

"Jay calm down."

"Calm down, sure right after I just saw one of my friends disappear in a flash of light with some strange person! I am just as calm as calm can be!" He panted.

I put my hand on his arm, ''Why don't we just go back down to my apartment and discuss what just happened.''

"Oh sure absolutely do something normal when your best friend just disappeared into nothingness with your rommie.'' He snapped.

"Jay what is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong.''

"Jason tell me.''

"Maybe the fact that you have a creepy myth living with you!"

"How is he creepy! Anyway what's wrong with that?''

"If you can't see what's wrong with that Ingrid, something is seriously wrong with you.''

I started to tear up.

"It's my life Jason you can't try to control elements that you can't handle!''

"It may be your life but I'm a part of that life!"

"So is that how you truly feel?"

"Yes! By the god of heaven you finally hit the target!" He exclaimed.

"And I'm assuming this is how you've felt for a long time?!''


"Then why didn't you say something?" I asked him

"Because I thought that you would of already known that.''

"Well you know me I am absolutely stupid and I don't realise things even if they were hitting me in the face!" I exclaimed.

"You are a frigin astrophysicist! You are basically one of the smartest people on the earth."

"That may be true but with aspects of life besides astrophysics I am completely hopeless.''

"Well that is a bit obvious.'' He mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

"Well if you can't accept me and the way I live my life why do you even bother?" I cried out.

"You know what why do even bother?" He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box.

"Jason what is the meaning of this?" I spluttered out.

He opened the box and pulled out a tiny gold ring with a small diamond upon it. He held it in front of me.

"See this?'' He asked, "See this tiny ring, it was going to be a signal that I was dedicated to you!''

I had no idea what to do. This had escalated from something tiny to crazy. He was going to ask me to marry him.

"I was willing to spend the rest of my life with you! I was prepared!" His eyes started to tear up., I was already a blubbering mess.

"Jason what do you mean that you 'was' willing?"

"Well now that this situation seems to be no longer right I believe that this relationship will no longer work out."

I couldn't believe this he had only known Loki for about a day and now he was breaking up with me because of him.

"So this is how you truly feel.'' I whispered.

"Yes! Thank goodness it finally got to your brain.''

I walked to the stairs, and started to walk down them.

"Ingrid where are you going?"

I spun around to face him.

"What is it to you?'' I snapped.

''I still care about you.''

"Well from what you just said you basically don't want me around in your life no more so why should you care?" I said sassily.

"I do want you in my life, but it seems like you don't want me around.''

I puffed and kept walking down the stairs and into my apartment. Once inside I grabbed his suitcase and wheeled it to the door. When I opened it I found Jason with his key to my apartment halfway through unlocking it.

"You can have this,'' I handed him his suitcase, "and I'll have that.'' I took the key from his hand.

"Bub please don't do this.'' He pleaded.

"Why not?'' I laughed, "You obviously think that I am no longer 'worthy' of you.''

"Ingrid I-.''

I slammed the door in his face. I stood staring at the door for several minutes before running to my bed and lying face down in it crying.

I barely ever saw Jason again after that.

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