Chapter Eight

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"Ingrid, wake up." I heard a voice as my shoulder was nudged.

I probably looked like a blubbering mess but I didn't really good.

"What?" I managed to mumble out.

"It's eleven o'clock you should probably wake up.''

I opened my eyes to see both Loki and Ashleigh standing over me.

"And she awakens." Ashleigh said in a strange voice.

"I wasn't asleep that long was I?' I quizzed.

"Well, we've been to Asgard and back.'' Squealed Ashleigh.

"You were unconscious the entire time.'' Stated Loki.

"Whatever... Hey where is Jason?" Ashleigh asked.

"He uh,'' I chocked, ''It was too much for him to handle.''

''Oh honey.'' Ashleigh sat down on the bed and gave me a hug.

I sort of sobbed for like for like five minutes on Ashleigh's shoulder.

"Hey Loki get over here and comfort her.'' Ashleigh yelled.

"I don't know what has happened.'' Specified Loki.

"Jason left her, like dumped, her like split up with her.''

"Oh okay.''

Then I felt another pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.

"GROUP HUG!!'' Ashleigh giggled.

We just sat hugging for about ten minutes.

"Now let us eat some brunch.'' Ashleigh stated.

"Brunch?" Asked Loki.

Ashleigh and I looked t each other and laughed.

"It is breakfast and lunch at once.''

"Pancakes?" Ashleigh asked me.

"No we had that the other day, what about bacon, eggs and hash browns?''


I went to the fridge and opened it we had eggs, and hash browns but no bacon.

"We've got no bacon!''

"I'll run down to the shops!'' Ashleigh replied.

"You sure you'll be up to it?" I asked her.

"Sure I got healed in an instant, well it felt like that.''

"Okay then have fun.''

She ran out the door, then ran back inside and grabbed her handbag,

"Sort of need money.'' She laughed.

Then she was gone again. I got the eggs and hash browns out and started to cook them.

"Can I help you at all?" Loki came over and asked me.

''Um do you know how to cook?" I interrogated him.


"Well now you're about to learn how to.''

I taught him how to turn on the gas stove top, and where to place the pan. I taught him how much oil to pour into the pan and how to carefully crack the egg and how to place it in the pan.

"This cooking thing is very complicated.'' He said with his concentration face on.

"It's actually fairly easy once you learn the basics.'' I told him.

"Is this the basics?" He held up his broken egg shell.

"Yes it is.''

"Good because if it weren't I would suck at it."

"You don't suck at it, you're just inexperienced."

"Does that mean that I suck?''

"No it doesn't.''

"Okay then.''

I taught him how to flip the eggs and how to cook hash browns. The door banged open.

"I brought bacon!" Screamed Ashleigh.

"You took your time.'' I told her.

"Not my fault I am cautious about what bacon I buy and the line was so long.''

"Well bring it over here so we can eat.''

She ran over with the bacon, turns out she bought like five kilos of it.

"Need any more bacon?!" I asked her.

"It was cheap.'' She argued back.

"But I don't have a big a fridge.''

''Lots of bacon for us.''

I sighed and turned back to what I was cooking before Ashleigh stormed in.


Once the bacon was cooked we ate in total silence. Not a word was spoken, until Ashleigh's phone rung, she ran outside and answered it.

Loki and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. I shrugged and kept eating. After a casual pause Loki continued eating as well.

The door banged open and Ashleigh stood looking like she'd been told Christmas was now.

"Danika is coming!"

"I have no more room for more people though.'' I told her.

"Who is Danika?" Asked Loki.

I turned to him, "Ashleigh's girlfriend.''

"We had Jason here as well so we'll let Danika take up his missing presence." She told me.

I glared at her and started to get teary, but continued eating.

"Sorry,' she said sheepishly, ''but I do have a point.''

''Fine she can stay until she gets a place for herself to stay in.''

"Yay,'' she hugged me, ''you're the best!"

"I know, that why you love me.''

She pulled away, "Ewwwww no.'' She scrunched up her nose.

"Well then I guess you and Danika don't have a place to stay in now.''

"Just kidding I love you.'' She hugged me again.

I managed to pull myself away and keep eating. Then once again we ate in silence.

Just another ordinary brunch at my house right?

[COMPLETE][Book 1] I Don't Recommend Falling In Love With An Evil Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now