Chapter Sixteen

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A/N the song up the top just matched like perfectly... Loki is mighty, he's in love.. geddit

"W-war?'' I pulled back from Loki and stared straight into his gorgeous blue eyes. Wait did I just call them gorgeous?

"Yes war, the Jotunheim have held a grudge against you Midgardian's for a long time as they were defeated on numerous occasions by my father's army in your realm.''

"That's not a good sign them being here then? Is it?" I asked.

"No, it's not."

"Uh guys,'' Ashleigh sounded panicked, I pulled my attention from Loki and spun around  to face her.

She was looking fearfully to the sky. I followed her gaze to the sky. 

"Holy shit.'' I whispered.

Clouds, electric blue storm clouds were rolling in. The world started to get darker. The storm clouds started to let off a light fall of snow. The sun disappeared behind the clouds plunging us into darkness. 

My breaths got heavier as fear crept up me following the goosebumps that ran up my skin.

"Is this the end mummy?" I turned around to see a small girl cradled in her mother's arms.

"I-I-I don't know sweetie." The mother looked petrified as she stared into her child's eyes.

I looked around and saw heaps of fearful people, so innocent, not knowing what was happening or why it was.

"We don't deserve this.'' Ashleigh whispered.

I felt Loki's breath right on the back of my neck, "Did they say anything about me?" I heard him whisper into my left ear.

I stayed facing the clouds and replied, "Yes, but they know your powerless so they said they'd await Laufey's orders."

I felt him nod against my hair. His hands trembled as he hugged me around my neck.

"I'm scared.'' I heard a slight tremble in his whisper.

I lent back into his chest, "Me too."


That night we huddled on my bed in my apartment. I was curled up beside Loki, my head on his chest, his arm wrapped reassuringly around my waist. Ashleigh's head was on my stomach, three blankets and a thick quilt covering us, but we still shivered. Loki just layed still not moving a muscle.  

I tried to roll over at one stage when I was asleep but Loki's grip on my waist tighten not allowing me to move. So instead of rolling away I snuggled up closer, curling up into a ball beside his chest.

When I woke Ashleigh was facing the other way on the other side of the bed. I was half on top of Loki, both his arms now encircled my waist, holding me in a tight hug. I tried to squirm my way out of his arms, but he squeezed even tighter.

"Are you trying to escape me?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yes." I squirmed even more. But his grip tightened.

"No, no, no Ingrid you can't escape me.'' He pulled out a knife.

"What? Loki? How? Why?" I stuttered.

"I was never really yours." He brought the knife down.

I screamed sitting upright. Loki's arms fell as I sat upright panting, but his hands stayed reassuringly on my waist. 

"Hey, hey it's okay.'' He sat up slowly sliding his arms back around my waist, "it was just a dream.'' He whispered into my hair as he snuggled into it.

I layed back onto his chest, shaking and panting from the dream, "It felt so real though.'' I said closing my eyes.

Ashleigh crawled over and jumped on top of us.

"Group hug!" She shouted as she jumped.

I pushed her off me and rolled off the bed. I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, so I walked into my wardrobe and started searching through my seemingly endless amount of clothes.

I finally decided on jeggings (amazing leggings that look like jeans), a long sleeve skivvy and a thick woolen jumper.

When I walked out Ashleigh was trying to pour out frozen milk onto her corn flakes, I giggled lightly and walked over to the pantry. I scanned it for anything mildly breakfast like and chose the Vegemite.

"Who's up for some Vegemite?" I asked them.

Ashleigh's hand shot straight up into the air.

"Loki?" I turned towards him holding the jar up towards him.

"What is this substance?" He grabbed the jar from me observing its every detail.

"It's yeast extract." Laughed Ashleigh.

"Here," I took the jar from him, got a piece of bread and gave him a piece, "see what you think of it.''

He took a small nibble he coughed it back up, spitting it out onto the frozen bench. He wiped his mouth, face still grim and disgusted.

"What was that vile poison?" He stared at the two of us laughing our heads off.

"It was Vegemite." Ashleigh managed to splutter out in between laughs.

Ashleigh and I then ate our Vegemite on bread while Loki sat eating peanut butter on bread. For just that small moment it seemed like nothing was wrong in the world.

But all moments end. 

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