Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Just gotta say while I was writing this chapter I had a frigin fangirl attack.... comment #obessedovermycharacters if you've ever  fangirled/boyed over your own charcters/story. 

The next day is what I would call crap day. It turns out the sushi place didn't know how to properly make sushi and we all got food-poisoning. Well all of us besides Loki. Ashleigh called up at twelve saying that she and Danika went back to her place and woke up feeling like crap.

"I'm making the assumption that Danika and Ashleigh are sick like you?" Loki asked me.

"That is correct.'' I told him.

I was still lying curled up in my bed by lunch time, so I made the slow transition from bed to lounge.

I went to the movie cabinet and took out Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

"Wanna watch?" I held the movie up to Loki.

"Is this the Harry Potter you spoke off?" He quizzed me curiously as he fiddle with the remote.


He sat on the lounge while I put the disc into the DVD player. Then waddled over beside Loki and grabbed the remote from him and curled up beside him.

"You alright?" He asked me.

"Well if you count feeling like crap as alright then I guess I'm spectacular" I said with high levels of sarcasm. 

"Okay then."

He turned his head to the screen as the Warner Brothers symbol appeared. He had a figin perfect jaw line and flawless skin, his long black hair curling right at the bottom near his shoulders.   I smiled, I had no idea what the fates of the world had in mind for me but I think I liked the way they were pointing me at the current moment.

"What?" He spun his head to face me.

I fell out of my trance, "Nothing I'm just really tired.'' 

He gave me a shy smile, "Come here." He said as he put his arm around me and pulled me into him.

But he pulled me into him awkwardly so I had to readjust so my head was in his lap facing the television. Loki slowly patted my hair until I fell asleep in his lap.


When I woke he was on Chamber of Secrets.

"Did you like Philosophers Stone?" I asked him sleepily, while I rolled over so I was looking up at him.

 "It was interesting." He told me.

I smiled at him and he smiled gently back. He nudged me slightly.

"Hey move a bit, I can't feel my legs.'' He told me.

I sat up slowly and Loki swung his legs so they sat to my left. He startled me by placing his hands on my shoulders and pulling me back onto his lap. I half resisted out of surprise, and my legs kicked up almost taking out Loki.

"Woah careful sweetie you almost took me out." He told me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I stared up into his face. He was truly beautiful. His light blue eyes reflected the small light that the TV gave out. He turned his gaze down to me, our eyes locked. I had the sudden thought to kiss him, he was so close, his lips looked so well kissable.

I leaned up towards him, he started to lean down towards me.
I wonder if he'll kiss like Jason.

I pulled out at the thought of Jason and snuggled up to his chest facing the back of the  lounge and I closed my eyes. Once again as I drifted off I felt him press a kiss into my hair.


I fell into a strange dream. I was standing in a circle of light surrounded by darkness. A single slow clap started.

A voice spoke from behind me, "Well done  Ingrid, it seems you've stolen my brothers heart.''

I spun around and was face to face with Thor.

I sighed, "Hello Thor.''

"Well you could sound a little more excited to be in my presence."

I looked at him, "I wouldn't even be excited if you told me I'd won a million dollars." 

He gasped, "I'm offended.''

I tapped my foot impatiently, "You're obviously intruding my peaceful sleep for a reason, so what is it?"

"Wow you really like cutting to the chase don't you?''

''Uh-ha.'' I nodded.

"Yeesh. But alright, I came here with a warning, very soon things are going to change, you'll be faced with challenges that you've never before faced, your life-'' I cut him off.

"Basically be prepared for anything and expect the unexpected?" 

"Uh yep."

"Right, my way was much easier to explain.'' I told him.

I flicked his long red hair, "My way was much more dramatic though."

"Can I go back to peacefully sleeping?" I asked him.

"Sure." He waved his hand in an arch and I fell back into a blissful darkness of sleep.


"Ingrid wake-up." I was being shook awake.

When I opened my eyes Loki's face was right above mine.

"Wuss-up." I said groggily.

"You need to eat.'' He told me.

"Seriously?" I asked, ''you woke me up because I need to eat?" I exclaimed.

"Ummm yes I did.'' He said nervously.

"Oh okay, that's probably the best excuse I've heard about waking me up." I told him.

He sighed, "Phew, I thought you were going to go rage at me."

I laughed and punched him gently on his arm, "So what are we eating?" I asked.

[COMPLETE][Book 1] I Don't Recommend Falling In Love With An Evil Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now